[Libreoffice] Diffs for removing bogus comments

David Hobley david.hobley at sharpblue.org
Mon Oct 4 03:17:05 PDT 2010


Love what you are planning to do with Libreoffice. I have felt for a long time that with the previous management of OpenOffice that crucial issues were not being addressed (i.e the lack of support for Excel column referencing A:A) and that the releases have been getting slower and more buggy over time. Having migrated my organisation (~60 people, small manufacturing company in Australia) to using OpenOffice 3 years ago, it is getting to a point where I was thinking I might need to start looking at migrating back to MS Office). Having you guys come along with a new philosophy will help me hold out or a while to see how things are going. 

So; don't want to just complain, so I have submitted some patches (only minor comment related patches as per the wiki Contribute page) via bugzilla - https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30593

I hope I haven't misunderstood anything - the wiki page mentioned: 

// --> OD 2008-01-08 #newlistlevelattrs# 

comments of that form. Where there were comments of that form, but referencing an OpenOffice issue number with the #i prefix, I removed the extraneous text, but kept the #i component where there was explanatory text to go along with it. Not certain if that was the intent or not. I also removed comments that contained no useful text within them.

Obviously all these changes are released under LGPLv3+.

Happy to adjust things if these are not exactly what you are looking for.

I was also unclear whether I should be subscribed to this list or not. This particular address is not mentioned in the Contact wiki page, so currently I am not subscribed to it.


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