[Libreoffice] Error compiling bin/add_acor.py

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at novell.com
Tue Oct 5 03:49:47 PDT 2010

Hi Sidney,

On Tue, 2010-10-05 at 11:41 +1300, Sidney Markowitz wrote:
> How is this behaviour different from git pull without the -r ?

	Oh - it is basically evil ;-) the -r will rebase you existing commits
onto master - by forcibly moving and re-applying them - and in doing so
re-write history.

> Where is the -r option documented for git pull?

	Well - the rebasing part is documented here:


	I'm no expert, but AFAIR if people generally do rebases for small sets
of changes that are not pushed yet - it makes the history look more
linear, and cleaner / easier to read in eg. gitk.



 michael.meeks at novell.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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