[Libreoffice] Building on windows 7-64bit with Visual Studio 2010 Express

Norbert Thiebaud nthiebaud at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 20:53:17 PDT 2010

On Tue, Oct 19, 2010 at 4:46 PM, Martin Gallwey <martin at gallwey.com> wrote:
> Hi there,
> I'm attempting to build LO on 64bit Windows 7 using the Visual Studio
> 2010 Express using a combination of the instructions here:
> http://www.documentfoundation.org/develop/
> And the somewhat scattered instructions here (as there is no windows
> section on libreoffice.org yet):
> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Documentation/Building_Guide/Building_on_Windows#software_requirements
> So far, I've run into the following issues:
> 1) The list of cygwin modules to install is not up to date. So far I
> have installed the following:
>     * autoconf
>     * automake
>     * bison
>     * cabextract
>     * flex
>     * gcc-g++
>     * git
>     * gnupg
>     * gperf
>     * libxml2-devel
>     * libpng12-devel
>     * make
>     * mintty
>     * openssh
>     * openssl
>     * patch
>     * perl
>     * pkg-config
>     * readline
>     * rsync
>     * unzip
>     * wget
>     * zip
> Can this list be put onto the lo.org website? Is there some funky way
> to instruct cygwin to install a list of packages in the same way that
> something like sudo apt-get build-dep openoffice.org works?
> 2) The requirement to use 'cydrive paths' - it's worth maybe saying to
> put the git checkout into a directory like c:\lo and then doing a cd
> /cygdrive/c/lo before running autogen.sh to ensure that the correct
> path is used?
> 3) If pkg-config is not installed, PKG_CHECK_MODULES is not defined
> and autogen.sh fails with the message:
> ./configure: line 3598: syntax error near unexpected token `MINIMUM_REQS,'
> ./configure: line 3598: `PKG_CHECK_MODULES( MINIMUM_REQS,'
> Rather than something more useful like 'Please install pkg-config' (I
> logged https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=30989 for this)
> Okay! Most of the battle so far was figuring out what cygwin packages
> to install and how to get the correct cygdrive paths - can someone add
> a windows section to
> http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/LibreOffice/HowToBuild with
> the info in this email?


Since you have firsthand experience, having bee through it, it would
be nice of you to add the appropriate section in this wiki:




> Thanks,
> Martin
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