[PATCH 1/1] fix 32 bit overflow with 64 bit constants=0A=

John LeMoyne Castle jlc at mail2lee.com
Sun Oct 24 23:14:54 PDT 2010

 vcl/source/control/field.cxx |   42 =
 1 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)=0A=
diff --git a/vcl/source/control/field.cxx b/vcl/source/control/field.cxx=0A=
index 733781e..1f0f7af 100644=0A=
--- a/vcl/source/control/field.cxx=0A=
+++ b/vcl/source/control/field.cxx=0A=
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@=0A=
- * =0A=
+ *=0A=
  * Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.=0A=
  * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite=0A=
@@ -48,7 +48,6 @@=0A=
 #include "rtl/math.hxx"=0A=
 #include <unotools/localedatawrapper.hxx>=0A=
 using namespace ::com::sun::star;=0A=
@@ -231,7 +230,7 @@ static void ImplUpdateSeparators( const String& =
rOldDecSep, const String& rNewDe=0A=
     bool bChangeDec =3D (rOldDecSep !=3D rNewDecSep);=0A=
     bool bChangeTh =3D (rOldThSep !=3D rNewThSep );=0A=
-    =0A=
     if( bChangeDec || bChangeTh )=0A=
         BOOL bUpdateMode =3D pEdit->IsUpdateMode();=0A=
@@ -242,7 +241,7 @@ static void ImplUpdateSeparators( const String& =
rOldDecSep, const String& rNewDe=0A=
         if( bChangeTh )=0A=
             aText.SearchAndReplaceAll( rNewThSep, rOldThSep );=0A=
         pEdit->SetText( aText );=0A=
-        =0A=
         ComboBox* pCombo =3D dynamic_cast<ComboBox*>(pEdit);=0A=
         if( pCombo )=0A=
@@ -479,19 +478,19 @@ void NumericFormatter::ImplLoadRes( const ResId& =
rResId )=0A=
     if( pMgr )=0A=
         ULONG nMask =3D pMgr->ReadLong();=0A=
-    =0A=
         if ( NUMERICFORMATTER_MIN & nMask )=0A=
             mnMin =3D pMgr->ReadLong();=0A=
-    =0A=
         if ( NUMERICFORMATTER_MAX & nMask )=0A=
             mnMax =3D pMgr->ReadLong();=0A=
-    =0A=
             SetStrictFormat( (BOOL)pMgr->ReadShort() );=0A=
-    =0A=
             SetDecimalDigits( pMgr->ReadShort() );=0A=
-    =0A=
         if ( NUMERICFORMATTER_VALUE & nMask )=0A=
             mnFieldValue =3D pMgr->ReadLong();=0A=
@@ -1080,7 +1079,7 @@ static XubString ImplMetricGetUnitText( const =
XubString& rStr )=0A=
     return aStr;=0A=
-    =0A=
     // MT: #90545# Preparation for translated strings...=0A=
     String aMetricText;=0A=
@@ -1099,7 +1098,7 @@ static XubString ImplMetricGetUnitText( const =
XubString& rStr )=0A=
-*/    =0A=
 // =
@@ -1151,33 +1150,32 @@ static FieldUnit ImplMetricGetUnit( const =
XubString& rStr )=0A=
 #define K *1000L=0A=
-#define M *1000000L=0A=
+#define M *1000000LL=0A=
 #define X *5280L=0A=
-// Amelia : about measurement unit, 'char' and 'line'=0A=
-//static const sal_Int64 aImplFactor[FUNIT_MILE+1][FUNIT_MILE+1] =3D=0A=
+// twip in km =3D 254 / 14 400 000 000=0A=
+// expressions too big for default size 32 bit need LL to avoid overflow=0A=
 static const sal_Int64 aImplFactor[FUNIT_LINE+1][FUNIT_LINE+1] =3D=0A=
 { /*=0A=
-mm/100    mm    cm       m     km  twip point  pica  inch    foot     =
mile    char    line*/=0A=
+mm/100    mm    cm       m     km  twip point  pica  inch    foot       =
mile     char     line  */=0A=
 {    1,  100,  1 K,  100 K, 100 M, 2540, 2540, 2540, =
2540,2540*12,2540*12 X ,   53340, 396240},=0A=
 {    1,    1,   10,    1 K,   1 M, 2540, 2540, 2540, =
2540,2540*12,2540*12 X ,    5334, 396240},=0A=
 {    1,    1,    1,    100, 100 K,  254,  254,  254,  254, 254*12, =
254*12 X ,    5334,  39624},=0A=
 {    1,    1,    1,      1,   1 K,  254,  254,  254,  254, 254*12, =
254*12 X ,  533400,  39624},=0A=
-{    1,    1,    1,      1,     1,    0,  254,  254,  254, 254*12, =
254*12 X ,533400 K,  39624},=0A=
-{ 1440,144 K,144 K,14400 K,     0,    1,   20,  240, =
1440,1440*12,1440*12 X ,     210,   3120},=0A=
+{    1,    1,    1,      1,     1,  254,  254,  254,  254, 254*12, =
254*12 X ,533400 K,  39624},=0A=
+{ 1440,144 K,144 K,14400 K,14400LL M, 1,   20,  240, =
1440,1440*12,1440*12 X ,     210,   3120},=0A=
 {   72, 7200, 7200,  720 K, 720 M,    1,    1,   12,   72,  72*12,  =
72*12 X ,     210,    156},=0A=
 {    6,  600,  600,   60 K,  60 M,    1,    1,    1,    6,   6*12,   =
6*12 X ,     210,     10},=0A=
 {    1,  100,  100,   10 K,  10 M,    1,    1,    1,    1,     12,     =
12 X ,     210,     45},=0A=
 {    1,  100,  100,   10 K,  10 M,    1,    1,    1,    1,      1,      =
1 X ,     210,     45},=0A=
 {    1,  100,  100,   10 K,  10 M,    1,    1,    1,    1,      1,      =
  1 ,     210,     45},=0A=
 {  144, 1440,14400,  14400, 14400,    1,   20,  240, 1440,1440*12, =
1440*12 X,       1,   156 },=0A=
-{  720,72000,72000, 7200 K,7200 M,   20,   10,   13,   11,  11*12,   =
11*12 X,     105,     1 }=0A=
+{  720,72000,72000, 7200 K,7200LL M, 20,   10,   13,   11,  11*12,   =
11*12 X,     105,     1 }=0A=
 #undef X=0A=
 #undef M=0A=
 #undef K=0A=
-// twip in km 254/14400 M=0A=
 static FieldUnit eDefaultUnit =3D FUNIT_NONE;=0A=
@@ -1505,10 +1503,10 @@ void MetricFormatter::ImplLoadRes( const ResId& =
rResId )=0A=
     if( pMgr )=0A=
         ULONG       nMask =3D pMgr->ReadLong();=0A=
-    =0A=
         if ( METRICFORMATTER_UNIT & nMask )=0A=
             meUnit =3D (FieldUnit)pMgr->ReadLong();=0A=
-    =0A=
             maCustomUnitText =3D pMgr->ReadString();=0A=
-- =0A=


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