[Libreoffice] Easy Task - systray build progress tracker

Luke Dixon 6b8b4567 at gmail.com
Mon Oct 25 15:21:15 PDT 2010


I thought I would try one of the easy tasks and the zenity systray one
seemed the most fun for me to look at. After getting it working I
figured I needed to also add it to the configure system, I hope I've got
that bit right. I wasn't sure about where in the file to add these, so
sorry if I've added these bits in the wrong place.

I looked at some of the already existing icons in the project, but I
couldn't find one that would be suitable (the best one I could find had
seagulls in it).

Patch contributed under LGPLv3+ / MPL.

Thanks for providing the easy tasks, it makes very easy to jump in and
try to help.

Luke Dixon

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