[Libreoffice] yum-builddep question ...

Terrell Prude' Jr. microman at cmosnetworks.com
Mon Oct 25 23:32:17 PDT 2010

Terrell Prude' Jr. wrote:
> Michael Meeks wrote:
>>> Glad to test, but a little tip would help.  My other boxes, 
>>> including the one I'm on now, are all running CentOS 5, and the 
>>> "yum-builddep openoffice.org" command returns "no 
>>> openoffice.org.src".  Is there a specific repository I need to point 
>>> to?
>>     Ah - ok; so this is really a question for a RedHat-ter - I suspect
>> Richard may have some sage advice; possibly we need an explicit command
>> there.

Hi folks,

Just following up.  Any sage advice for getting this to work on CentOS 5?

(forgot to "Reply-All" again--oops)



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