[Libreoffice] PyUno is Python 3 compatible

Andreas Becker atayoohoo at googlemail.com
Thu Apr 21 09:18:40 PDT 2011

Hi Hanno,

>    [join('translate',filename) for filename in 'ChangeLog', 'COPYING',
>                                                           ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> dmake:  Error code 1, while making './unxlngx6.pro/misc/build/so_built_trt
> '
> I did not suspect that Python 3 makes such problems, because I often used
the already installed system libraries. But however, in future, Python 2
will be replaced by Python 3 anyway.
So we can either update libxml and other stuff from lib-extern-sys or we
apply compatibility patches  The current version of libxml builds fine with
Python 3.
Updating would be better and I do not consider the Python 3 feature
important enough to maintain such patches.  It may be  a bit work to make
the new versions compile under all systems. Hopefully, the patches for the
current version work for the new ones.

--Andreas Becker
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