[Libreoffice] [PATCH 4/4] Translate german code comments

Martin Kepplinger martinkepplinger at eml.cc
Thu Apr 21 13:46:26 PDT 2011

Am 21.04.2011 22:13, schrieb Júlio Hoffimann:
> Nice patches Martin! :-)
> Next time you could attach the files, instead of put them in the mail
> body. So, the developers just download and apply your changes. ;-)
> Regards,
> Júlio.

Hi Julio,

As I mentioned, these patches are already applied and pushed to master.
Not need to do anything. I just posted them to the list for visibility
reasons. I used git send-email according to the wiki, see

I'd be happy for comments,


|                    Martin Kepplinger                  |
|                                                       |
| diaspora handle    martinkepplinger at joindiaspora.com  |
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| E-Mail & IM        martinkepplinger at eml.cc	        |
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