[Libreoffice] [Libreoffice-ux-advise] Fwd: [PATCH] Bug 39167

Kohei Yoshida kohei.yoshida at suse.com
Fri Aug 5 12:22:41 PDT 2011

Hi Gerald,

First of all, thanks for introducing yourself on this list.  I've been
personally wondering who you were since you've filed several EasyHack
bugs and I never saw your name or your email address here before.

I'll leave the specific enhancement request discussion to the UX folks,
but let me address several of your expectations below.

On Fri, 2011-08-05 at 16:59 +0200, Gerald Leppert wrote:

> Generally, my experience with enhancement requests in the LO bugzilla 
> (mine or requests from others) has been that there is currently very 
> little to no feed back, review, discussion or comments made to 
> enhancement requests. IMHO this situation is a bit sad and I hope that 
> this will be changing in the future.

Normally we don't respond to RFE's filed in bugzilla with enthusiasm
unless there is a sign that the proposer is willing to invest
development resources to help bring the RFE into fruition.  We already
receive an abundance of feature requests, and we simply don't have
resources to respond to each and every one of them.

So, I don't want you to have the expectation that, if you file an RFE,
someone else will magically pick it up and make it happen.  That's very
very rare.

> Improvements to hybrid PDF: As mentioned in the bug 39168, the hybrid 
> PDF feature is one of the killer features in LibreOffice. However, its 
> implementation has some practical and usability problems out of those 
> most had been already raised in the OpenOffice.org bugzilla. However, 
> most of them can be easily improved in terms of usability and handling. 
> This was my intention of the three enhancement requests made to hybrid 
> PDFs (bug 39167, bug 39168, bug 39169) and I was glad that Gabor liked 
> the idea and took the initiative to start working on two of these easy 
> hacks.
> Defending bug 39168: As described in the bug entry, the current file 
> ending "pdf" is suboptimal and hybrid PDFs need to be made more visible 
> to the user. In the current situation, the hybrid PDF feature is much 
> less useful than it could be and in many cases it is even 
> counterproductive (i.e. users who try to open 'real' PDF files in 
> LibreOffice assuming that they are hybrid PDFs.) There is indeed no hint 
> to the user what file actually is hybrid pdf. By the way, the file 
> ending ".pap.pdf" is exactly how it is handled in Papyrus 
> (www.papyrus.de) where the idea of hybrid PDFs was first implemented. 
> Marking bug 39168 as 'invalid' without adding any criticism or comment 
> to the bug entry itself is - in my opinion - inappropriate.

I personally don't object to your argument for the double extension, but
I'd like to leave it to the UX folks to decide what would be the good

Having said that, I'm not pleased to see someone mis-using our EasyHack
system to inject his/her favorite features.  EasyHack is designed to
help new developers get a feel for our code base, and is supposed to be
easy enough and/or have someone willing to provide code pointers &
mentorship etc.  It is not designed for the end users to submit his or
her favorite pet peeves.  If you file one, you are basically signing up
to mentor for the implementation of that feature, either fully or

So, my question is, are you familiar enough with the code base to help
Jenei work on this?


Kohei Yoshida, LibreOffice hacker, Calc
<kohei.yoshida at suse.com>

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