[Libreoffice] Bugzilla handling of multiple branches

Cor Nouws oolst at nouenoff.nl
Thu Aug 18 03:03:49 PDT 2011

Noel Power wrote (18-08-11 11:54)
> Well I wasn't really trying to answer that question but more give the
> developer-centric detail about getting a patch into the dev/release
> branches. But... it f the bug has been fixed, it is fixed right, it has
> to be marked as such, and in this case approval is asked for the
> specific release, if approval isn't given then doesn't it sort of make
> sense that the bug is struck off for that release anyway if we aren't
> going to fix it?

Yes. But to avoid confusion, it is good to mark that, though listed, has 
not been fixed in that specific version.

  - Cor
  - http://nl.libreoffice.org

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