[Libreoffice] build error

Jenei Gábor jengab at elte.hu
Wed Aug 24 06:56:13 PDT 2011


While building a totally new build on Debian 6 32bit I got the following
error message:

Since you've disabled or enabled at least one algorithm, you need to do
the following before building:

    make depend

Configured for linux-elf.
mkdir: cannot create directory `./unxlngi6/misc/build/openssl-0.9.8o/.':
File exists
making all in crypto...
make[2]: *** No rule to make target `x86cpuid-elf.o', needed by
`../libcrypto.a'.  Stop.
make[1]: *** [build_crypto] Error 1
dmake:  Error code 2, while making './unxlngi6/misc/build/so_built_openssl'

should I do only make depend?

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