[Libreoffice] postresql-sdbc bits out of minutes of tech. steering call

Alexander Thurgood alex.thurgood at gmail.com
Sat Dec 10 02:05:02 PST 2011

Le 09/12/11 23:10, Thorsten Behrens a écrit :

Hi Thorsten,

> And with attached patch, also a plain --enable-ext-postgresql-sdbc
> builds - Norbert, want to double-check & commit?

So I built yesterday using :


and I get a connector OXT that contains the following :

ns1:~ alex$ ls -an /Users/Shared/postgresql-sdbc
total 2184
drwx------   9 501  20      306 10 déc 10:53 .
drwxrwxrwt+ 17 0    0       578 10 déc 10:53 ..
drwxr-xr-x   3 501  20      102 10 déc 10:53 META-INF
drwxr-xr-x   3 501  20      102 10 déc 10:53 description
-rw-r--r--   1 501  20      791  9 déc 12:31 description.xml
-rwxr-xr-x   1 501  20  1037244  9 déc 15:26 postgresql-sdbc-impl.uno.dylib
-rwxr-xr-x   1 501  20    59948  9 déc 12:31 postgresql-sdbc.uno.dylib
-rw-r--r--   1 501  20       29  9 déc 12:31 postgresql-sdbc.unorc
-rw-r--r--   1 501  20     4866  9 déc 12:31 postgresql.xcu

At least we have the postgresql-sdbc-impl.uno.dylib there.

If I install this connector.oxt on another machine with MacOSX and a
running pg instance, when I try to connect I get the following error :

A driver is not registered for the URL
sdbc:posgresql:dbhost=localhost dbname=demo

Which means that my connector can not be put on the Extensions site for
all to use.

Does your patch fix this problem of portability, i.e. from build machine
to user machine ?

I'm sorry for being dim, but I don't understand the implications of
static/dynamic linking at build time, so I'm just trying to suss out the
implications for me as the provider of the db connector extensions.


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