[Libreoffice] build error

Winfried Donkers W.Donkers at dci-electronics.nl
Sat Dec 10 08:41:53 PST 2011

>Looks like a symbol conflict between your internal cairo library and
>the system gtk+ library. Curious that it happens with the cppunit test
>of course. Essentially I would remove *cairo* from the solver (or run
>deliver -delete inside cairo/) and re-configure and build with

That helped, build goes ok now :) Thank you very much!

Running soffice.bin or swriter, however, does give a problem. The application crashes (aborts without save) with the following error in the console:
soffice.bin: symbol lookup errror: /.../core/solver/unxlngi6.pro/installation/opt/program/libsvtlo.so: undefined sysmbol: _ZN8MsLangId33getReplacementForObsoleteLanguageEt
Any suggestions to get rid of this?


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