[Libreoffice] Oracle wordbook in LibO

Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai kami911 at gmail.com
Thu Jan 6 06:40:22 PST 2011

On 01/05/2011 06:28 PM, Petr Mladek wrote:
> Kálmán „KAMI” Szalai píše v St 05. 01. 2011 v 17:39 +0100:
>> Hi!
>> 2011-01-05 17:01 keltezéssel, Petr Mladek írta: 
>>> Ah, we use Novell.dic in our build. It includes just
>>> language-independent names of Novell products, so it should not cause
>>> any harm to anyone. I attached different patches to the issue. KAMI,
>>> could you please review them?
>> Can we introduce here some other technical, and distibution related
>> files here, not just Novell related, words from Ubuntu, Debian, etc. I
>> think we should have only one extra dic file, or is is a performance
>> killer thing?
> Great idea! I would call it technical.dic or so.
> KAMI, could you please cook up something? 
> Best Regards,
> Petr
May we include vendor specific sfuffs from oracle.dic?


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