[Libreoffice] Kill Dtwm/CDE

Thomas Arnhold thomas at arnhold.org
Thu Jul 21 03:33:47 PDT 2011

Here is the output of PrintInfo():

	$DISPLAY          	":0.0"
	$SAL_VISUAL       	""
	$SAL_FONTPATH     	""
	$SAL_NOSEGV       	""
	$SAL_WM           	""
	Host              	"acer"
	Host              	":0.0"
	Vendor (Release)  	"The X.Org Foundation (11003000)"
	Protocol          	11.0
	Screen (count,def)	0 (1,0)
	shift ctrl alt    	Shift_L (0xFFE1) Control_L (0xFFE3) Alt_L (0xFFE9)
	XMaxRequestSize   	262140 16777212 [bytes]
	Properties        	0x1000FCB
	Windowmanager     	0
	WMName            	Mutter
	Resolution/Size   	96*96 1366*768 16.3"
	Black&White       	0 65535
	RGB               	0xf800 0x7e0 0x1f
	Visual            	16-bit TrueColor ID=0x21


On 07/21/2011 11:02 AM, Tor Lillqvist wrote:
> I noticed you removed the "dtwm" from an enum in saldisp.hxx, are you sure that enum is not part of our stable API/ABI?
> If it isn't, then you presumably can remove "vuewm" from the enum, too, wasn't VUE some even older HP-UX-specific window manager and/or desktop environment? (I should know; I used HP-UX machines back then... but I have forgotten;)
> And "FourDwm" (SGI's 4DWM) and "olwm" (the OpenLook WM) (and their uses)...?
> --tml

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