[Libreoffice] [PATCH] restore Korean comments in hwpfilter (were corrupted to just "????" instead of being translated)

Christian Lohmaier lohmaier+libreoffice at googlemail.com
Wed Jun 1 05:55:52 PDT 2011

Hi Korrawit, *,

On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 2:13 PM, Korrawit Pruegsanusak
<detective.conan.1412 at gmail.com> wrote:
> 2011/6/1 Christian Lohmaier <lohmaier+libreoffice at googlemail.com>:
>> Hi *,
>> On Tue, May 31, 2011 at 7:04 PM, Korrawit Pruegsanusak
>> <detective.conan.1412 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Except we have some contributors who know Korean. (not me, of course!) :-)
>> As there was an offer to hand it over to someone who knows Korean by
>> PM (probably because not using "reply all", but just "reply", I'll
>> just attach the patch here. Would be nice if you could indeed pass it
>> on to some Korean speaker.
> I don't quite understand your message. Maybe my English isn't such good, sorry.

No problem. PM = private mail, a mail sent to only me, and not to the list.

> I meant that, if we have some Korean people out there,
> we should let them translate instead of Google's.
> And sorry again, I don't know any Korean people.

I didn't want to imply that it was you who made the offer. But I agree
that when we have some Korean people, that it will be much better to
have them translate it, instead of relying on Google, which might work
OK when you got enough context, but gets worse as the strings to
translate get shorter and more technical.

> Now, IMHO let's commit this patch and add this translate task to
> EasyHacks wiki page.
> What do you think?

Sure - I attached the patch for that as well :-)
(one time to have a list of strings that can be passed on to possible
translators, and of course for having it reviewed, in terms of does it
cause problems with compilers? Do all compilers deal with non-ascii in
comments (with UTF8, this should not be a problem, but who knows....)


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