[Libreoffice] QA manual test Litmus session on 3.3.3Rc

Sophie Gautier gautier.sophie at gmail.com
Sun Jun 5 13:36:22 PDT 2011

Hi all,

*please, follow up on the projects list, thanks in advance*

I would like to try to organize a first session of manual tests - 
release scenarios - on Litmus [1]. Mostly to see how it goes and fine 
tune what needs to be done to go further. We need to push our QA process 
further and log what is done in the language community.

The first version will 3.3.3 RC. Yifan (thanks a lot! ) did upload a 
session for 3.4, but I guess we were a bit distracted by what happened 
to the OOo code. But we can use this basis for the next session.

Tests already exists in US - DE - FR, it's a first set that needs to be 
improved and made available for all languages.
So please, join the projects@ list and let us organize a nice and fun QA 
process for our future versions.
For testing, you don't need technical skills, only about 3/4 hours 
available (for beginners, less if you have already participate) per 
tested version and some curiosity for the new features and the bug you 
will find.
For translation, understanding of English will be enough, the tests and 
the process are simple and most of the time written by non English 
If you run VCLTesTool, we will also try to centralize the feedback, so 
don't hesitate to jump in either.

Process and info on Litmus are available on the wiki [2], but don't 
hesitate to come on the list, I'll help and answer your questions from 
there, also on irc #libreoffice

[1] https://tcm.documentfoundation.org/
[2] http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Litmus

Thanks in advance for your help on the organization and your participation.
Kind regards
Founding member of The Document Foundation

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