[Libreoffice] [GSoC 2011][svgexport] I need some help on exporting "all selected slides" task

Thorsten Behrens thb at documentfoundation.org
Fri Jun 10 05:14:03 PDT 2011

Marco wrote:
> but I don know how to get such a component context object.
> So if you could give me some hint would be great!
::comphelper::getProcessComponentContext() (from

Didn't check whether you'll actually get the XSelectionSupplier
there - and I personally wouldn't spend too much time on that, now.
Generally, the strategy for this is, look into the implementation.
Which resides below sd/, so grepping for the interface in question
should lead you to the implementation.

For the slidesorter, most of that is here:


-- Thorsten
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