[Libreoffice] [PATCH] Bug 33293 - [EasyHack] Make starting count of worksheets configurable

Albert Thuswaldner albert.thuswaldner at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 13:34:39 PDT 2011

It took some time to fix this. I moved stuff to a new computer, had
some build problems, implemented some changes (see below), and had a
fair share of bugs to straighten out. But now I think I'm finished
with this feature patch. Please have a look

- Changed the option tab page to defaults.
- Changed the name of the handler class to ScTpDefaultsOptions
- Changed the type of the tab enumerator to SCTAB
- Changed to c++ type static casts
- Renamed variables to more sensable names
- Added new option nodes in
- Set the maximum allowed sheet tabs tat you can enter into the input
field to 32000

I also looked at checking that no negative numbers/character are
inserted. To my understanding, you don't have to to anything special,
it is taken care of in the input field. If you try to give a negative
value as an input it changes to the minimum value (in this case  have
been setting this to 1) and the same happens when you try to enter a
character. This is also consistent with how other input fields behave.



On Wed, Jun 1, 2011 at 16:15, Kohei Yoshida <kyoshida at novell.com> wrote:
> Sorry I forgot to snip a large part of it.  Don't copy this behavior of
> mine... It's something to be used as a counter-example of good
> behavior. ;-)
> Kohei
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