[Libreoffice] [PATCH] Replace List with std::vector

Thorsten Behrens thb at documentfoundation.org
Thu Jun 30 12:14:02 PDT 2011

Radek Doulík wrote:
> > It looks like libs-gui/uui/source/services.cxx registers the component
> > and sets up the factory for generating the dialogs. Because it's a
> > component system, I'm not sure how to unplug it and/or verify how it
> > would be used.
> the code looks dead to me as well, but I am also not sure. It was
> imported in 2000 and no real changes were done to it later - I mean the
> cookiedlg.cxx.
Yep, unused - for those, just follow the implementation backwards.
CookiesDialog only gets inst'ed in iahndl-cookies.cxx's
executeCookieDialog(), which turn is only called in
handleCookiesRequest_(), which only gets called from
UUIInteractionHelper::handleCookiesRequest() - and there, only if
the request has a ucb::HandleCookiesRequest set.

The catch is - this code is part of the published API (look at
offapi/com/sun/star/ucb/HandleCookiesRequest.idl), so strictly
speaking, there may be extensions out there using it (though I doubt
it, for this case).

Tracking down the other cases should work in an equivalent way -
sometimes one is not so lucky as to find a specific type (like
HandleCookiesRequest) to look for - the one needs to search for the
service string names.


-- Thorsten
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