[Libreoffice] [PATCH] Fix for bug 33781 => No anti-aliasing in metafiles when anchor is "as char"

roland65 at free.fr roland65 at free.fr
Mon May 9 02:27:47 PDT 2011

Hi there, 

here is a patch of the writer module that fixes bug 33781 (No anti-aliasing in metafiles when anchor is "as char"). 
The patch is against LibreOffice 3.4.0 DEV300m103 (Build:1), as it is said in the About dialog. 

Since I'm not familiar with git, I provide the patch as a simple diff file. I hope it's not a problem for you. 

I also attach a test file : just right click on the displayed equation and select "Anchor / As character" to check that the metafile is correctly antialiased now. 

Hope this helps, 

(See attached file: fix-antialiasing-problem-with-metafiles.patch.gz) (See attached file: antialiasing-metafile-test.odt) 

Roland Baudin 
Ingénieur de Recherche / Research Engineer 
Tel : +33 5 34 35 55 16 
Fax : +33 5 34 35 51 52 
roland.baudin at thalesaleniaspace.com 

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