[PATCH 1/2] Replace tabs by space in salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx

Lucas Baudin xapantu at gmail.com
Sat May 21 07:21:13 PDT 2011

 vcl/unx/gtk/gdi/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx |  522 +++++++++++++++---------------
 1 files changed, 261 insertions(+), 261 deletions(-)

diff --git a/vcl/unx/gtk/gdi/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx b/vcl/unx/gtk/gdi/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx
index 5c562a1..127c5f0 100644
--- a/vcl/unx/gtk/gdi/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx
+++ b/vcl/unx/gtk/gdi/salnativewidgets-gtk.cxx
@@ -69,23 +69,23 @@ class NWPixmapCacheList;
 class NWPixmapCache;
 struct NWFWidgetData
-    GtkWidget *	gCacheWindow;
-    GtkWidget *	gDumbContainer;
-    GtkWidget *	gBtnWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gRadioWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gRadioWidgetSibling;
-    GtkWidget *	gCheckWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gScrollHorizWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gScrollVertWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gArrowWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gDropdownWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gEditBoxWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gSpinButtonWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gNotebookWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gOptionMenuWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gComboWidget;
-    GtkWidget *	gScrolledWindowWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gCacheWindow;
+    GtkWidget *  gDumbContainer;
+    GtkWidget *  gBtnWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gRadioWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gRadioWidgetSibling;
+    GtkWidget *  gCheckWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gScrollHorizWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gScrollVertWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gArrowWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gDropdownWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gEditBoxWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gSpinButtonWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gNotebookWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gOptionMenuWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gComboWidget;
+    GtkWidget *  gScrolledWindowWidget;
     GtkWidget *  gToolbarWidget;
     GtkWidget *  gToolbarButtonWidget;
     GtkWidget *  gToolbarToggleWidget;
@@ -153,29 +153,29 @@ struct NWFWidgetData
 // Keep a hash table of Widgets->default flags so that we can
 // easily and quickly reset each to a default state before using
 // them
-static boost::unordered_map<long, guint>	gWidgetDefaultFlags;
+static boost::unordered_map<long, guint>    gWidgetDefaultFlags;
 static std::vector<NWFWidgetData>   gWidgetData;
-static const GtkBorder aDefDefBorder		= { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
+static const GtkBorder aDefDefBorder        = { 1, 1, 1, 1 };
 // Some GTK defaults
-#define MIN_ARROW_SIZE					11
-#define BTN_CHILD_SPACING				1
-#define MIN_SPIN_ARROW_WIDTH				6
-static void NWEnsureGTKRadio			( int nScreen );
-static void NWEnsureGTKButton			( int nScreen );
-static void NWEnsureGTKCheck			( int nScreen );
-static void NWEnsureGTKScrollbars		( int nScreen );
-static void NWEnsureGTKArrow			( int nScreen );
-static void NWEnsureGTKEditBox			( int nScreen );
-static void NWEnsureGTKSpinButton		( int nScreen );
-static void NWEnsureGTKNotebook			( int nScreen );
-static void NWEnsureGTKOptionMenu		( int nScreen );
-static void NWEnsureGTKCombo			( int nScreen );
-static void NWEnsureGTKScrolledWindow	( int nScreen );
-static void NWEnsureGTKToolbar			( int nScreen );
+#define MIN_ARROW_SIZE                    11
+#define BTN_CHILD_SPACING                1
+#define MIN_SPIN_ARROW_WIDTH                6
+static void NWEnsureGTKRadio            ( int nScreen );
+static void NWEnsureGTKButton            ( int nScreen );
+static void NWEnsureGTKCheck            ( int nScreen );
+static void NWEnsureGTKScrollbars        ( int nScreen );
+static void NWEnsureGTKArrow            ( int nScreen );
+static void NWEnsureGTKEditBox            ( int nScreen );
+static void NWEnsureGTKSpinButton        ( int nScreen );
+static void NWEnsureGTKNotebook            ( int nScreen );
+static void NWEnsureGTKOptionMenu        ( int nScreen );
+static void NWEnsureGTKCombo            ( int nScreen );
+static void NWEnsureGTKScrolledWindow    ( int nScreen );
+static void NWEnsureGTKToolbar            ( int nScreen );
 static void NWEnsureGTKMenubar          ( int nScreen );
 static void NWEnsureGTKMenu             ( int nScreen );
 static void NWEnsureGTKTooltip          ( int nScreen );
@@ -234,7 +234,7 @@ static Rectangle NWGetToolbarRect( int nScreen,
                                    const OUString& rCaption );
-static Rectangle NWGetScrollButtonRect(	int nScreen, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect );
+static Rectangle NWGetScrollButtonRect(    int nScreen, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect );
@@ -387,10 +387,10 @@ void NWPixmapCacheList::ThemeChanged( )
 inline void NW_gtk_border_set_from_border( GtkBorder& aDst, const GtkBorder * pSrc )
-    aDst.left		= pSrc->left;
-    aDst.top		= pSrc->top;
-    aDst.right	= pSrc->right;
-    aDst.bottom	= pSrc->bottom;
+    aDst.left        = pSrc->left;
+    aDst.top        = pSrc->top;
+    aDst.right    = pSrc->right;
+    aDst.bottom    = pSrc->bottom;
@@ -531,40 +531,40 @@ void GtkSalGraphics::copyBits( const SalTwoRect* pPosAry,
 sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart )
     if (
-        ((nType==CTRL_PUSHBUTTON)  && (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)) 	||
-         ((nType==CTRL_RADIOBUTTON) && (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL))		||
-        ((nType==CTRL_CHECKBOX)    && (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL))		||
+        ((nType==CTRL_PUSHBUTTON)  && (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL))     ||
+         ((nType==CTRL_RADIOBUTTON) && (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL))        ||
+        ((nType==CTRL_CHECKBOX)    && (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL))        ||
         ((nType==CTRL_SCROLLBAR) &&
                 (  (nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ)
                 || (nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_VERT)
                 || (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
-                || (nPart==HAS_THREE_BUTTONS) )  				)	||
+                || (nPart==HAS_THREE_BUTTONS) )                  )    ||
         ((nType==CTRL_EDITBOX) &&
                 (  (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
-                || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE) ) 			)	||
+                || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE) )             )    ||
         ((nType==CTRL_MULTILINE_EDITBOX) &&
                 (  (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
-                || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE) ) 			)	||
+                || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE) )             )    ||
         ((nType==CTRL_SPINBOX) &&
                 (  (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
                 || (nPart==PART_ALL_BUTTONS)
-                || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE) )			)	||
+                || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE) )            )    ||
         ((nType==CTRL_SPINBUTTONS) &&
                 (  (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
-                || (nPart==PART_ALL_BUTTONS)	)				)	||
+                || (nPart==PART_ALL_BUTTONS)    )                )    ||
         ((nType==CTRL_COMBOBOX) &&
                 (  (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
-                || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE)	)			)	||
+                || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE)    )            )    ||
         (((nType==CTRL_TAB_ITEM) || (nType==CTRL_TAB_PANE) ||
           (nType==CTRL_TAB_BODY) || (nType==CTRL_FIXEDBORDER)) &&
                 (  (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
-                || (nPart==PART_TABS_DRAW_RTL) )				)	||
+                || (nPart==PART_TABS_DRAW_RTL) )                )    ||
         ((nType==CTRL_LISTBOX) &&
                 (  (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
                 || (nPart==PART_WINDOW)
-                || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE) )			)   ||
+                || (nPart==HAS_BACKGROUND_TEXTURE) )            )   ||
         ((nType == CTRL_TOOLBAR) &&
-                 (	(nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
+                 (    (nPart==PART_ENTIRE_CONTROL)
                 ||  (nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ)
                 ||  (nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_VERT)
                 ||  (nPart==PART_THUMB_HORZ)
@@ -615,11 +615,11 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::IsNativeControlSupported( ControlType nType, ControlPar
  *  returns whether bIsInside was really set.
-sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType		nType,
-                                ControlPart		nPart,
-                                const Rectangle&		rControlRegion,
-                                const Point&		aPos,
-                                sal_Bool&			rIsInside )
+sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType        nType,
+                                ControlPart        nPart,
+                                const Rectangle&        rControlRegion,
+                                const Point&        aPos,
+                                sal_Bool&            rIsInside )
     if ( ( nType == CTRL_SCROLLBAR ) &&
          ( ( nPart == PART_BUTTON_UP ) ||
@@ -721,18 +721,18 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::hitTestNativeControl( ControlType		nType,
  *  Draws the requested control described by nPart/nState.
- *  rControlRegion:	The bounding region of the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
- *  aValue:  		An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- *  rCaption:  	A caption or title string (like button text etc)
+ *  rControlRegion:    The bounding region of the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
+ *  aValue:          An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
+ *  rCaption:      A caption or title string (like button text etc)
-sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::drawNativeControl(	ControlType nType,
+sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::drawNativeControl(    ControlType nType,
                             ControlPart nPart,
                             const Rectangle& rControlRegion,
                             ControlState nState,
                             const ImplControlValue& aValue,
                             const OUString& rCaption )
-    sal_Bool			returnVal = sal_False;
+    sal_Bool            returnVal = sal_False;
     // get a GC with current clipping region set
@@ -897,11 +897,11 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::drawNativeControl(	ControlType nType,
  *  OPTIONAL.  Draws the requested text for the control described by nPart/nState.
  *     Used if text not drawn by DrawNativeControl().
- *  rControlRegion:	The bounding region of the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
- *  aValue:  		An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- *  rCaption:  	A caption or title string (like button text etc)
+ *  rControlRegion:    The bounding region of the complete control in VCL frame coordinates.
+ *  aValue:          An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
+ *  rCaption:      A caption or title string (like button text etc)
-sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::drawNativeControlText(	ControlType,
+sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::drawNativeControlText(    ControlType,
                                 const Rectangle&,
@@ -921,9 +921,9 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::drawNativeControlText(	ControlType,
  *  within the control that can be safely drawn into without drawing over
  *  the borders of the control.
- *  rControlRegion:	The bounding region of the control in VCL frame coordinates.
- *  aValue:		An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
- *  rCaption:		A caption or title string (like button text etc)
+ *  rControlRegion:    The bounding region of the control in VCL frame coordinates.
+ *  aValue:        An optional value (tristate/numerical/string)
+ *  rCaption:        A caption or title string (like button text etc)
 sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::getNativeControlRegion(  ControlType nType,
                                 ControlPart nPart,
@@ -972,9 +972,9 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::getNativeControlRegion(  ControlType nType,
         returnVal = sal_True;
     if ( (nType==CTRL_TOOLBAR) &&
-        ((nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ)	||
-        (nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_VERT)	||
-        (nPart==PART_THUMB_HORZ)			||
+        ((nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_HORZ)    ||
+        (nPart==PART_DRAW_BACKGROUND_VERT)    ||
+        (nPart==PART_THUMB_HORZ)            ||
         (nPart==PART_THUMB_VERT)            ||
@@ -1137,16 +1137,16 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKButton(
             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue&,
             const OUString& )
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
-    gboolean		interiorFocus;
-    gint			focusWidth;
-    gint			focusPad;
-    sal_Bool			bDrawFocus = sal_True;
-    gint			x, y, w, h;
-    GtkBorder		aDefBorder;
-    GtkBorder*		pBorder;
-    GdkRectangle	clipRect;
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
+    gboolean        interiorFocus;
+    gint            focusWidth;
+    gint            focusPad;
+    sal_Bool            bDrawFocus = sal_True;
+    gint            x, y, w, h;
+    GtkBorder        aDefBorder;
+    GtkBorder*        pBorder;
+    GdkRectangle    clipRect;
     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nScreen );
     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
@@ -1157,10 +1157,10 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKButton(
     h = rControlRectangle.GetHeight();
     // Grab some button style attributes
-    gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nScreen].gBtnWidget,	"focus-line-width",	&focusWidth,
-                                "focus-padding", 	&focusPad,
-                                 "interior_focus",	&interiorFocus,
-                                "default_border",	&pBorder,
+    gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nScreen].gBtnWidget,    "focus-line-width",    &focusWidth,
+                                "focus-padding",     &focusPad,
+                                 "interior_focus",    &interiorFocus,
+                                "default_border",    &pBorder,
                                 (char *)NULL );
     // Make sure the border values exist, otherwise use some defaults
@@ -1227,21 +1227,21 @@ static Rectangle NWGetButtonArea( int nScreen,
                                   ControlType, ControlPart, Rectangle aAreaRect, ControlState nState,
                                   const ImplControlValue&, const OUString& )
-    gboolean		interiorFocus;
-    gint			focusWidth;
-    gint			focusPad;
-    GtkBorder		aDefBorder;
-    GtkBorder *	pBorder;
-    sal_Bool			bDrawFocus = sal_True;
-    Rectangle		aRect;
-    gint			x, y, w, h;
+    gboolean        interiorFocus;
+    gint            focusWidth;
+    gint            focusPad;
+    GtkBorder        aDefBorder;
+    GtkBorder *    pBorder;
+    sal_Bool            bDrawFocus = sal_True;
+    Rectangle        aRect;
+    gint            x, y, w, h;
     NWEnsureGTKButton( nScreen );
     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gBtnWidget,
-                                "focus-line-width",	&focusWidth,
-                                "focus-padding", 	&focusPad,
-                                 "interior_focus",	&interiorFocus,
-                                "default_border",	&pBorder,
+                                "focus-line-width",    &focusWidth,
+                                "focus-padding",     &focusPad,
+                                 "interior_focus",    &interiorFocus,
+                                "default_border",    &pBorder,
                                 (char *)NULL );
     // Make sure the border values exist, otherwise use some defaults
@@ -1284,11 +1284,11 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKRadio( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
                                       const ImplControlValue& aValue,
                                       const OUString& )
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
-    sal_Bool			isChecked = (aValue.getTristateVal()==BUTTONVALUE_ON);
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
+    sal_Bool            isChecked = (aValue.getTristateVal()==BUTTONVALUE_ON);
     gint            x, y;
-    GdkRectangle	clipRect;
+    GdkRectangle    clipRect;
     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nScreen );
     NWEnsureGTKRadio( m_nScreen );
@@ -1342,12 +1342,12 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKCheck( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
                                       const ImplControlValue& aValue,
                                       const OUString& )
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
-    bool			isChecked = (aValue.getTristateVal() == BUTTONVALUE_ON);
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
+    bool            isChecked = (aValue.getTristateVal() == BUTTONVALUE_ON);
     bool            isInconsistent = (aValue.getTristateVal() == BUTTONVALUE_MIXED);
-    GdkRectangle	clipRect;
-    gint			x,y;
+    GdkRectangle    clipRect;
+    gint            x,y;
     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nScreen );
     NWEnsureGTKCheck( m_nScreen );
@@ -1402,32 +1402,32 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKScrollbar( ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
     OSL_ASSERT( aValue.getType() == CTRL_SCROLLBAR );
     const ScrollbarValue* pScrollbarVal = static_cast<const ScrollbarValue *>(&aValue);
     GdkPixmap*      pixmap = NULL;
-    Rectangle		pixmapRect, scrollbarRect;
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
-    GtkScrollbar *	scrollbarWidget;
-    GtkStyle *	style;
+    Rectangle        pixmapRect, scrollbarRect;
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
+    GtkScrollbar *    scrollbarWidget;
+    GtkStyle *    style;
     GtkAdjustment* scrollbarValues = NULL;
-    GtkOrientation	scrollbarOrientation;
-    Rectangle		thumbRect = pScrollbarVal->maThumbRect;
-    Rectangle		button11BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton1Rect;   // backward
-    Rectangle		button22BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton2Rect;   // forward
-    Rectangle		button12BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton1Rect;   // secondary forward
-    Rectangle		button21BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton2Rect;   // secondary backward
-    GtkArrowType	button1Type;                                        // backward
-    GtkArrowType	button2Type;                                        // forward
-    gchar *		scrollbarTagH = (gchar *) "hscrollbar";
-    gchar *		scrollbarTagV = (gchar *) "vscrollbar";
-    gchar *		scrollbarTag = NULL;
-    Rectangle		arrowRect;
-    gint			slider_width = 0;
-    gint			stepper_size = 0;
-    gint			stepper_spacing = 0;
-    gint			trough_border = 0;
-    gint			min_slider_length = 0;
-    gint			vShim = 0;
-    gint			hShim = 0;
-    gint			x,y,w,h;
+    GtkOrientation    scrollbarOrientation;
+    Rectangle        thumbRect = pScrollbarVal->maThumbRect;
+    Rectangle        button11BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton1Rect;   // backward
+    Rectangle        button22BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton2Rect;   // forward
+    Rectangle        button12BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton1Rect;   // secondary forward
+    Rectangle        button21BoundRect = pScrollbarVal->maButton2Rect;   // secondary backward
+    GtkArrowType    button1Type;                                        // backward
+    GtkArrowType    button2Type;                                        // forward
+    gchar *        scrollbarTagH = (gchar *) "hscrollbar";
+    gchar *        scrollbarTagV = (gchar *) "vscrollbar";
+    gchar *        scrollbarTag = NULL;
+    Rectangle        arrowRect;
+    gint            slider_width = 0;
+    gint            stepper_size = 0;
+    gint            stepper_spacing = 0;
+    gint            trough_border = 0;
+    gint            min_slider_length = 0;
+    gint            vShim = 0;
+    gint            hShim = 0;
+    gint            x,y,w,h;
     // make controlvalue rectangles relative to area
     thumbRect.Move( -rControlRectangle.Left(), -rControlRectangle.Top() );
@@ -1634,7 +1634,7 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKScrollbar( ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
     if ( has_backward )
         NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( pScrollbarVal->mnButton1State, &stateType, &shadowType );
-        if ( stateType == GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE )	stateType = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
+        if ( stateType == GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE )    stateType = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
         gtk_paint_box( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
                        gdkRect, GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), "stepper",
                        x+hShim+button11BoundRect.Left(), y+vShim+button11BoundRect.Top(),
@@ -1649,7 +1649,7 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKScrollbar( ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
     if ( has_forward2 )
         NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( pScrollbarVal->mnButton2State, &stateType, &shadowType );
-        if ( stateType == GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE )	stateType = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
+        if ( stateType == GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE )    stateType = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
         gtk_paint_box( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType,
                        gdkRect, GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), "stepper",
                        x+hShim+button12BoundRect.Left(), y+vShim+button12BoundRect.Top(),
@@ -1665,7 +1665,7 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKScrollbar( ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
     if ( has_backward2 )
         NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( pScrollbarVal->mnButton1State, &stateType, &shadowType );
-        if ( stateType == GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE )	stateType = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
+        if ( stateType == GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE )    stateType = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
         gtk_paint_box( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType, gdkRect,
                        GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), "stepper",
                        x+hShim+button21BoundRect.Left(), y+vShim+button21BoundRect.Top(),
@@ -1680,7 +1680,7 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKScrollbar( ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
     if ( has_forward )
         NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( pScrollbarVal->mnButton2State, &stateType, &shadowType );
-        if ( stateType == GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE )	stateType = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
+        if ( stateType == GTK_STATE_INSENSITIVE )    stateType = GTK_STATE_NORMAL;
         gtk_paint_box( style, gdkDrawable, stateType, shadowType, gdkRect,
                        GTK_WIDGET(scrollbarWidget), "stepper",
                        x+hShim+button22BoundRect.Left(), y+vShim+button22BoundRect.Top(),
@@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKScrollbar( ControlType, ControlPart nPart,
-static Rectangle NWGetScrollButtonRect(	int nScreen, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect )
+static Rectangle NWGetScrollButtonRect(    int nScreen, ControlPart nPart, Rectangle aAreaRect )
     gint slider_width;
     gint stepper_size;
@@ -1796,7 +1796,7 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKEditBox( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
                                         const ImplControlValue& aValue,
                                         const OUString& rCaption )
-    Rectangle		pixmapRect;
+    Rectangle        pixmapRect;
     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
     // Find the overall bounding rect of the buttons's drawing area,
@@ -1829,16 +1829,16 @@ static Rectangle NWGetEditBoxPixmapRect(int nScreen,
                                         const ImplControlValue&,
                                         const OUString& )
-    Rectangle		pixmapRect = aAreaRect;
-    gboolean		interiorFocus;
-    gint			focusWidth;
+    Rectangle        pixmapRect = aAreaRect;
+    gboolean        interiorFocus;
+    gint            focusWidth;
     NWEnsureGTKEditBox( nScreen );
     // Grab some entry style attributes
     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gEditBoxWidget,
-                                    "focus-line-width",	&focusWidth,
-                                     "interior-focus",	&interiorFocus, (char *)NULL );
+                                    "focus-line-width",    &focusWidth,
+                                     "interior-focus",    &interiorFocus, (char *)NULL );
     if ( !interiorFocus )
@@ -1855,18 +1855,18 @@ static Rectangle NWGetEditBoxPixmapRect(int nScreen,
  * All coordinates should be local to the Pixmap, NOT
  * screen/window coordinates.
-static void NWPaintOneEditBox(	int nScreen,
+static void NWPaintOneEditBox(    int nScreen,
                                 GdkDrawable * gdkDrawable,
-                                GdkRectangle *	gdkRect,
-                                ControlType			nType,
+                                GdkRectangle *    gdkRect,
+                                ControlType            nType,
-                                Rectangle				aEditBoxRect,
-                                ControlState			nState,
+                                Rectangle                aEditBoxRect,
+                                ControlState            nState,
                                 const ImplControlValue&,
                                 const OUString& )
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
     GtkWidget      *widget;
     NWEnsureGTKButton( nScreen );
@@ -1929,17 +1929,17 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKSpinBox( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart
                                         const ImplControlValue& aValue,
                                         const OUString& rCaption )
-    GdkPixmap	*		pixmap;
-    Rectangle			pixmapRect;
-    GtkStateType		stateType;
-    GtkShadowType		shadowType;
-    const SpinbuttonValue *	pSpinVal = (aValue.getType() == CTRL_SPINBUTTONS) ? static_cast<const SpinbuttonValue *>(&aValue) : NULL;
-    Rectangle			upBtnRect;
-    ControlPart		upBtnPart = PART_BUTTON_UP;
-    ControlState		upBtnState = CTRL_STATE_ENABLED;
-    Rectangle			downBtnRect;
-    ControlPart		downBtnPart = PART_BUTTON_DOWN;
-    ControlState		downBtnState = CTRL_STATE_ENABLED;
+    GdkPixmap    *        pixmap;
+    Rectangle            pixmapRect;
+    GtkStateType        stateType;
+    GtkShadowType        shadowType;
+    const SpinbuttonValue *    pSpinVal = (aValue.getType() == CTRL_SPINBUTTONS) ? static_cast<const SpinbuttonValue *>(&aValue) : NULL;
+    Rectangle            upBtnRect;
+    ControlPart        upBtnPart = PART_BUTTON_UP;
+    ControlState        upBtnState = CTRL_STATE_ENABLED;
+    Rectangle            downBtnRect;
+    ControlPart        downBtnPart = PART_BUTTON_DOWN;
+    ControlState        downBtnState = CTRL_STATE_ENABLED;
     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nScreen );
     NWEnsureGTKSpinButton( m_nScreen );
@@ -1994,7 +1994,7 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKSpinBox( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart
     if ( shadowType != GTK_SHADOW_NONE )
-        Rectangle		shadowRect( upBtnRect );
+        Rectangle        shadowRect( upBtnRect );
         shadowRect.Union( downBtnRect );
         gtk_paint_box( gWidgetData[m_nScreen].gSpinButtonWidget->style, pixmap, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, shadowType, NULL,
@@ -2020,14 +2020,14 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKSpinBox( ControlType nType, ControlPart nPart
 static Rectangle NWGetSpinButtonRect( int nScreen,
-                                      ControlPart			nPart,
-                                      Rectangle 			aAreaRect,
+                                      ControlPart            nPart,
+                                      Rectangle             aAreaRect,
                                       const ImplControlValue&,
                                       const OUString& )
-    gint			buttonSize;
-    Rectangle		buttonRect;
+    gint            buttonSize;
+    Rectangle        buttonRect;
     NWEnsureGTKSpinButton( nScreen );
@@ -2061,19 +2061,19 @@ static Rectangle NWGetSpinButtonRect( int nScreen,
 static void NWPaintOneSpinButton( int nScreen,
-                                  GdkPixmap*			pixmap,
-                                  ControlType			nType,
-                                  ControlPart			nPart,
-                                  Rectangle				aAreaRect,
-                                  ControlState			nState,
-                                  const ImplControlValue&	aValue,
-                                  const OUString&				rCaption )
+                                  GdkPixmap*            pixmap,
+                                  ControlType            nType,
+                                  ControlPart            nPart,
+                                  Rectangle                aAreaRect,
+                                  ControlState            nState,
+                                  const ImplControlValue&    aValue,
+                                  const OUString&                rCaption )
-    Rectangle			buttonRect;
-    GtkStateType		stateType;
-    GtkShadowType		shadowType;
-    Rectangle			arrowRect;
-    gint				arrowSize;
+    Rectangle            buttonRect;
+    GtkStateType        stateType;
+    GtkShadowType        shadowType;
+    Rectangle            arrowRect;
+    gint                arrowSize;
     NWEnsureGTKSpinButton( nScreen );
     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
@@ -2112,13 +2112,13 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKComboBox( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
                                          const ImplControlValue& aValue,
                                          const OUString& rCaption )
-    Rectangle		pixmapRect;
-    Rectangle		buttonRect;
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
-    Rectangle		arrowRect;
-    gint			x,y;
-    GdkRectangle	clipRect;
+    Rectangle        pixmapRect;
+    Rectangle        buttonRect;
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
+    Rectangle        arrowRect;
+    gint            x,y;
+    GdkRectangle    clipRect;
     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nScreen );
     NWEnsureGTKArrow( m_nScreen );
@@ -2139,10 +2139,10 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKComboBox( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
     if( nPart == PART_BUTTON_DOWN )
         buttonRect.Left() += 1;
-    Rectangle		aEditBoxRect( pixmapRect );
+    Rectangle        aEditBoxRect( pixmapRect );
     aEditBoxRect.SetSize( Size( pixmapRect.GetWidth() - buttonRect.GetWidth(), aEditBoxRect.GetHeight() ) );
-    #define ARROW_EXTENT		0.7
+    #define ARROW_EXTENT        0.7
     arrowRect.SetSize( Size( (gint)(MIN_ARROW_SIZE * ARROW_EXTENT),
                              (gint)(MIN_ARROW_SIZE * ARROW_EXTENT) ) );
     arrowRect.SetPos( Point( buttonRect.Left() + (gint)((buttonRect.GetWidth() - arrowRect.GetWidth()) / 2),
@@ -2185,23 +2185,23 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKComboBox( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
 static Rectangle NWGetComboBoxButtonRect( int nScreen,
                                           ControlPart nPart,
-                                          Rectangle				aAreaRect,
+                                          Rectangle                aAreaRect,
                                           const ImplControlValue&,
                                           const OUString& )
-    Rectangle	aButtonRect;
-    gint		nArrowWidth;
+    Rectangle    aButtonRect;
+    gint        nArrowWidth;
     gint        nButtonWidth;
-    gint		nFocusWidth;
-    gint		nFocusPad;
+    gint        nFocusWidth;
+    gint        nFocusPad;
     NWEnsureGTKArrow( nScreen );
     // Grab some button style attributes
     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gDropdownWidget,
-                                      "focus-line-width",	&nFocusWidth,
-                                    "focus-padding", 	&nFocusPad, (char *)NULL );
+                                      "focus-line-width",    &nFocusWidth,
+                                    "focus-padding",     &nFocusPad, (char *)NULL );
     nArrowWidth = MIN_ARROW_SIZE + (GTK_MISC(gWidgetData[nScreen].gArrowWidget)->xpad * 2);
     nButtonWidth = nArrowWidth +
@@ -2245,11 +2245,11 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKTabItem( ControlType nType, ControlPart,
                                         const OUString& )
     OSL_ASSERT( nType != CTRL_TAB_ITEM || aValue.getType() == CTRL_TAB_ITEM );
-    GdkPixmap *	pixmap;
-    Rectangle		pixmapRect;
-    Rectangle		tabRect;
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
+    GdkPixmap *    pixmap;
+    Rectangle        pixmapRect;
+    Rectangle        tabRect;
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
     if( ! gWidgetData[ m_nScreen ].gCacheTabItems )
         gWidgetData[ m_nScreen ].gCacheTabItems = new NWPixmapCache( m_nScreen );
@@ -2277,7 +2277,7 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKTabItem( ControlType nType, ControlPart,
     pixmapRect = rControlRectangle;
     if ( nType == CTRL_TAB_ITEM )
-        const TabitemValue *	pTabitemValue = static_cast<const TabitemValue *>(&aValue);
+        const TabitemValue *    pTabitemValue = static_cast<const TabitemValue *>(&aValue);
         if ( !pTabitemValue->isFirst() )
             // GTK+ tabs overlap on the right edge (the top tab obscures the
@@ -2383,15 +2383,15 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKListBox( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
                                         const ImplControlValue& aValue,
                                         const OUString& rCaption )
-    Rectangle		pixmapRect;
-    Rectangle		widgetRect;
-    Rectangle		aIndicatorRect;
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
-    gint			bInteriorFocus;
-    gint			nFocusLineWidth;
-    gint			nFocusPadding;
-    gint			x,y;
+    Rectangle        pixmapRect;
+    Rectangle        widgetRect;
+    Rectangle        aIndicatorRect;
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
+    gint            bInteriorFocus;
+    gint            nFocusLineWidth;
+    gint            nFocusPadding;
+    gint            x,y;
     GdkRectangle    clipRect;
     NWEnsureGTKButton( m_nScreen );
@@ -2423,9 +2423,9 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKListBox( GdkDrawable* gdkDrawable,
     if ( nPart != PART_WINDOW )
         gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[m_nScreen].gOptionMenuWidget,
-            "interior_focus",	&bInteriorFocus,
-            "focus_line_width",	&nFocusLineWidth,
-            "focus_padding",	&nFocusPadding,
+            "interior_focus",    &bInteriorFocus,
+            "focus_line_width",    &nFocusLineWidth,
+            "focus_padding",    &nFocusPadding,
             (char *)NULL);
@@ -2477,13 +2477,13 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKToolbar(
             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue& aValue,
             const OUString& )
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
-    gint			x, y, w, h;
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
+    gint            x, y, w, h;
     gint            g_x=0, g_y=0, g_w=10, g_h=10;
     bool            bPaintButton = true;
     GtkWidget*      pButtonWidget = gWidgetData[m_nScreen].gToolbarButtonWidget;
-    GdkRectangle	clipRect;
+    GdkRectangle    clipRect;
     NWEnsureGTKToolbar( m_nScreen );
     if( nPart == PART_BUTTON ) // toolbar buttons cannot focus in gtk
@@ -2643,11 +2643,11 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKMenubar(
             ControlState nState, const ImplControlValue&,
             const OUString& )
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
     GtkShadowType   selected_shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
-    gint			x, y, w, h;
-    GdkRectangle	clipRect;
+    gint            x, y, w, h;
+    GdkRectangle    clipRect;
     NWEnsureGTKMenubar( m_nScreen );
     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
@@ -2735,11 +2735,11 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKPopupMenu(
         nPart == PART_MENU_ITEM && ! (nState & CTRL_STATE_ENABLED) )
         return sal_True;
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
     GtkShadowType   selected_shadow_type = GTK_SHADOW_OUT;
-    gint			x, y, w, h;
-    GdkRectangle	clipRect;
+    gint            x, y, w, h;
+    GdkRectangle    clipRect;
     NWEnsureGTKMenu( m_nScreen );
     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
@@ -2898,8 +2898,8 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKTooltip(
     NWEnsureGTKTooltip( m_nScreen );
-    gint			x, y, w, h;
-    GdkRectangle	clipRect;
+    gint            x, y, w, h;
+    GdkRectangle    clipRect;
     x = rControlRectangle.Left();
     y = rControlRectangle.Top();
@@ -2941,12 +2941,12 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKListNode(
     aRect.Right() += 2;
     aRect.Top() -= 2;
     aRect.Bottom() += 2;
-    gint			w, h;
+    gint            w, h;
     w = aRect.GetWidth();
     h = aRect.GetHeight();
-    GtkStateType	stateType;
-    GtkShadowType	shadowType;
+    GtkStateType    stateType;
+    GtkShadowType    shadowType;
     NWConvertVCLStateToGTKState( nState, &stateType, &shadowType );
     ButtonValue aButtonValue = rValue.getTristateVal();
@@ -2990,7 +2990,7 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKProgress(
     NWEnsureGTKProgressBar( m_nScreen );
-    gint			w, h;
+    gint            w, h;
     w = rControlRectangle.GetWidth();
     h = rControlRectangle.GetHeight();
@@ -3055,7 +3055,7 @@ sal_Bool GtkSalGraphics::NWPaintGTKSlider(
     OSL_ASSERT( rValue.getType() == CTRL_SLIDER );
     NWEnsureGTKSlider( m_nScreen );
-    gint			w, h;
+    gint            w, h;
     w = rControlRectangle.GetWidth();
     h = rControlRectangle.GetHeight();
@@ -3147,15 +3147,15 @@ static Rectangle NWGetListBoxButtonRect( int nScreen,
     Rectangle       aPartRect;
     GtkRequisition *pIndicatorSize = NULL;
     GtkBorder      *pIndicatorSpacing = NULL;
-    gint            width = 13;	// GTK+ default
-    gint            right = 5;	// GTK+ default
+    gint            width = 13;    // GTK+ default
+    gint            right = 5;    // GTK+ default
     gint            nButtonAreaWidth = 0;
     gint            xthickness = 0;
     NWEnsureGTKOptionMenu( nScreen );
     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gOptionMenuWidget,
-            "indicator_size",	&pIndicatorSize,
+            "indicator_size",    &pIndicatorSize,
             "indicator_spacing",&pIndicatorSpacing, (char *)NULL);
     if ( pIndicatorSize )
@@ -3201,7 +3201,7 @@ static Rectangle NWGetListBoxButtonRect( int nScreen,
 static Rectangle NWGetListBoxIndicatorRect( int nScreen,
-                                            Rectangle				aAreaRect,
+                                            Rectangle                aAreaRect,
                                             const ImplControlValue&,
                                             const OUString& )
@@ -3209,14 +3209,14 @@ static Rectangle NWGetListBoxIndicatorRect( int nScreen,
     Rectangle       aIndicatorRect;
     GtkRequisition *pIndicatorSize = NULL;
     GtkBorder      *pIndicatorSpacing = NULL;
-    gint            width = 13;	// GTK+ default
-    gint            height = 13;	// GTK+ default
-    gint            right = 5;	// GTK+ default
+    gint            width = 13;    // GTK+ default
+    gint            height = 13;    // GTK+ default
+    gint            right = 5;    // GTK+ default
     NWEnsureGTKOptionMenu( nScreen );
     gtk_widget_style_get( gWidgetData[nScreen].gOptionMenuWidget,
-            "indicator_size",	&pIndicatorSize,
+            "indicator_size",    &pIndicatorSize,
             "indicator_spacing",&pIndicatorSpacing, (char *)NULL);
     if ( pIndicatorSize )
@@ -3246,8 +3246,8 @@ static Rectangle NWGetListBoxIndicatorRect( int nScreen,
 static Rectangle NWGetToolbarRect(  int nScreen,
-                                    ControlPart				nPart,
-                                    Rectangle				aAreaRect,
+                                    ControlPart                nPart,
+                                    Rectangle                aAreaRect,
                                     const ImplControlValue&,
                                     const OUString& )
@@ -3455,10 +3455,10 @@ void GtkSalGraphics::updateSettings( AllSettings& rSettings )
     aStyleSet.SetMenuHighlightTextColor( aHighlightTextColor );
     // UI font
-    OString	aFamily		= pango_font_description_get_family( pStyle->font_desc );
-    int nPangoHeight	= pango_font_description_get_size( pStyle->font_desc );
-    PangoStyle	eStyle	= pango_font_description_get_style( pStyle->font_desc );
-    PangoWeight	eWeight	= pango_font_description_get_weight( pStyle->font_desc );
+    OString    aFamily        = pango_font_description_get_family( pStyle->font_desc );
+    int nPangoHeight    = pango_font_description_get_size( pStyle->font_desc );
+    PangoStyle    eStyle    = pango_font_description_get_style( pStyle->font_desc );
+    PangoWeight    eWeight    = pango_font_description_get_weight( pStyle->font_desc );
     PangoStretch eStretch = pango_font_description_get_stretch( pStyle->font_desc );
     psp::FastPrintFontInfo aInfo;
@@ -3467,9 +3467,9 @@ void GtkSalGraphics::updateSettings( AllSettings& rSettings )
     // set italic
     switch( eStyle )
-        case PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL:	aInfo.m_eItalic = ITALIC_NONE;break;
-        case PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC:	aInfo.m_eItalic = ITALIC_NORMAL;break;
-        case PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE:	aInfo.m_eItalic = ITALIC_OBLIQUE;break;
+        case PANGO_STYLE_NORMAL:    aInfo.m_eItalic = ITALIC_NONE;break;
+        case PANGO_STYLE_ITALIC:    aInfo.m_eItalic = ITALIC_NORMAL;break;
+        case PANGO_STYLE_OBLIQUE:    aInfo.m_eItalic = ITALIC_OBLIQUE;break;
     // set weight
     if( eWeight <= PANGO_WEIGHT_ULTRALIGHT )
@@ -3485,15 +3485,15 @@ void GtkSalGraphics::updateSettings( AllSettings& rSettings )
     // set width
     switch( eStretch )
-        case PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED:		aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_CONDENSED;break;
-        case PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL:			aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_NORMAL;break;
-        case PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED:	aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED;break;
-        case PANGO_STRETCH_EXPANDED:		aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_EXPANDED;break;
+        case PANGO_STRETCH_CONDENSED:        aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_CONDENSED;break;
+        case PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_CONDENSED:    aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_SEMI_CONDENSED;break;
+        case PANGO_STRETCH_NORMAL:            aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_NORMAL;break;
+        case PANGO_STRETCH_SEMI_EXPANDED:    aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_SEMI_EXPANDED;break;
+        case PANGO_STRETCH_EXPANDED:        aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_EXPANDED;break;
+        case PANGO_STRETCH_EXTRA_EXPANDED:    aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_EXTRA_EXPANDED;break;
+        case PANGO_STRETCH_ULTRA_EXPANDED:    aInfo.m_eWidth = WIDTH_ULTRA_EXPANDED;break;
@@ -3602,7 +3602,7 @@ void GtkSalGraphics::updateSettings( AllSettings& rSettings )
     aStyleSet.SetPreferredSymbolsStyleName( OUString::createFromAscii( pIconThemeName ) );
     g_free( pIconThemeName );
-	aStyleSet.SetToolbarIconSize( STYLE_TOOLBAR_ICONSIZE_LARGE );
+    aStyleSet.SetToolbarIconSize( STYLE_TOOLBAR_ICONSIZE_LARGE );
     const cairo_font_options_t* pNewOptions = NULL;
 #if !GTK_CHECK_VERSION(2,9,0)
@@ -3656,8 +3656,8 @@ void GtkSalGraphics::updateSettings( AllSettings& rSettings )
 GdkPixmap* GtkSalGraphics::NWGetPixmapFromScreen( Rectangle srcRect )
     // Create a new pixmap to hold the composite of the window background and the control
-    GdkPixmap * pPixmap		= gdk_pixmap_new( GDK_DRAWABLE(GetGdkWindow()), srcRect.GetWidth(), srcRect.GetHeight(), -1 );
-    GdkGC *	 pPixmapGC	= gdk_gc_new( pPixmap );
+    GdkPixmap * pPixmap        = gdk_pixmap_new( GDK_DRAWABLE(GetGdkWindow()), srcRect.GetWidth(), srcRect.GetHeight(), -1 );
+    GdkGC *     pPixmapGC    = gdk_gc_new( pPixmap );
     if( !pPixmap || !pPixmapGC )

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