[Libreoffice] 回复: Build failure on RHEL5.4 in module tail_build

xuanyong.yang xuanyong.yang at qq.com
Thu Nov 10 00:41:34 PST 2011

hi , Norbert

     Thank for  your  reply. 

      I have built the libreoffice package  on Mac Os, it is Ok now . but  the generated binary "LibreOffice " is too Big , Any one who can tell me to build the libreoffice-calc package only instead of the whole lo.

------------------ 原始邮件 ------------------
发件人: "Norbert Thiebaud"<nthiebaud at gmail.com>;
发送时间: 2011年11月6日(星期天) 晚上7:33
收件人: "xuanyong.yang"<xuanyong.yang at qq.com>; 
抄送: "libreoffice"<libreoffice at lists.freedesktop.org>; 
主题: Re: [Libreoffice] Build failure on RHEL5.4 in module tail_build

2011/11/6 xuanyong.yang <xuanyong.yang at qq.com>:
> Hello!
> I got the following error. Any ideas? and I didn't make any changes in the
> code, just trying to build the master.

you should have a file called build_error.log, it should contain the
output of the failed module...

take a look in there to try to find something that could hint at the
cause fo the trouble.

if nothing stand-up, try the following steps to rebuild that
tail_build module (in a separate terminal):
cd /usr/local/project/libo
source ./Env.Host.sh
cd tail_build
make -r 2>&1 | tee build.log

then look into build.log for more clue (and post it with you email if
you don;t find the cause of the problem)

> make: *** [build] 错误 1
> [root at localhost libo]#

OH DEAR! you are building as 'root' ????

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