[Libreoffice] minutes of tech. steering call ...

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at suse.com
Thu Nov 17 07:42:52 PST 2011

* Present:
	+ Eike, Bjoern, Andras, Michael, Tor, Norbert, Stephan,
	  Caolan, Kohei, Michael S, Thorsten, Lionel, Mitch

* Completed Action Items
	+ add easy hack to kill PRODUCT in favour of DBG_UTIL (Bjoern)
	+ ask wrt. hacking php to improve easy-hacks presentation (Bjoern)
	+ reply to Peter's RFC wrt. tail_build (Norbert)

* Pending Action Items
        + default to TM safe (non-TDF) branding (Thorsten)
        + enable on-line updates for QA in cross-compiled dailies [in progress] (Kendy)
	+ [in progress] extract 64bit build hardware from firewall (Kendy)
	+ come up with a list of QA heros for next meeting [in progress] (Rainer)
	+ ask Christian wrt. Mac / PPC (Fridrich)
	+ add unexpected mingw regressions to MingW 'most-annoying' (Rainer)
	+ send ssh keys for Linux build machine access to Fridrich (Caolan)
	+ [in progress] concrete debug proposal for the public list (Stephan)

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + updated the schedule for 3.4.5 and 3.5.0 as decided on the
          last meeting. See the announce at
        + IMPORTANT: deadline for beta0 is less than two weeks from now
        + finally have daily builds for Windows at
          but not sure how often the build is broken
        + is nervous by the still opened blocker
		+ Radek on it.

* Python / Wizards code / merge (Bjoern)
	+ some minor problem blocking it
AA:	+ merge for 3.5 strip old versions and await user testing (Bjoern)

* Easy Hacks - poke at them ... (Bjoern)
	+ some easy hacks need owner / caretakers & triage:

* Lionel Elie Mamane
	+ been hacking on Base
	+ fixing things that annoy him
	+ shepherding the postgresql driver in for 3.5

* new MSI packaging (Andras)
	+ hack-week project to make single MSI with all langs & VC++ restribs
	+ merged to master and ready to go for 3.5
AA:	+ add details to 3.5 release page (Andras)
	+ some cleanups still required; help-pack testing etc.
	+ drops NSIS requirement
	+ default to it for 3.5 ...

* consistent tinderbox naming scheme (Thorsten, Norbert)
	+ Pedro Lino suggested that
	+ names turning up in other scripts
	+ seems that it might make it easier for the QA guys, if
	the names began with the target platform, followed by
	an identifier, so that the structure of
	dev-builds.libreoffice.org/daily is clearer.  Rainer?
	+ helps users find the right downloads from dev-tools domain too
	+ problems of specificity: Win2008r2 eg. ?
	+ <platform=os-version-arch>@<id>_<free-form-user-friendly-info>
	eg. MacOSX-10.6.0-Intel at 25_no_moz_no_binfilter
AA:	+ tinderbox owners should change names & Thorsten to prune server (All)

* Meeting Timing
	+ doodle poll confirms current time => sticking with that.

* Cool stuff:
	+ Android
		+ proceeding slowly but surely
		+ can package lots of libs into an Android pkg
		+ more and more unit tests running: sal fine eg.
		+ onto the C++ UNO bridge.
		+ lots of strange restrictions on package
		  production and unpacking, lots to investigate
		+ nothing useful for end-users yet.
	+ Layout code (Caolan)
		+ latest of 19 other people's attempts
		+ stripped existing obsolete bits from the code
		+ OptimalSize hooks are there from previous attempts
		+ hapless Word-Count dialog victim being tackled
		+ prototyping bits on top of that:
		+ XML reader etc. after that
		+ .src file conversion to a 'fixed' layout ?
		+ no layout inference.
	+ python uno scripting (Lionel)
		+ named structure member initialization
	+ remaining 'build' patches (Bjoern)
		+  finally getting merged or killed, 20 down to 10

* Cross-compiling MSIs building (Mitch)
	+ knee-deep in re-factoring build / make_installer perl code
	+ to create helpful utility functions for msi creation

michael.meeks at suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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