[Libreoffice] Question about IAccessibility2
Regina Henschel
rb.henschel at t-online.de
Thu Nov 24 06:31:15 PST 2011
Hi Christophe,
Christophe Strobbe schrieb:
> Hi Regina,
> At 23:11 21-11-2011, Regina Henschel wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> I have started to implement the attribute "stroke-linecap".
> I assume this refers to svg:stroke-linecap (�20.164 in the ODF 1.2 spec,
> which refers to stroke properties in the SVG spec:
> <http://www.w3.org/TR/SVG11/painting.html#StrokeProperties>).
>> I come across "IAccessibility2" in files
>> /core/cui/source/tabpages/tabline.hrc
>> /core/cui/source/tabpages/tabline.src
>> There are some string resources defined like
>> #define STR_END_LENGTH 41
>> Some are commented out in lines 125 to 134 in tabline.hrc. Such string
>> resources are used in method SetAccessibleName in
>> /core/cui/source/tabpages/tpline.cxx
> SetAccessibleName is a method that exists in several accessibility APIs,
> e.g.
> * ATK: atk_object_set_name:
> <http://developer.gnome.org/atk/stable/AtkObject.html#atk-object-set-name>
> * Java:
> <http://download.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/javax/accessibility/AccessibleContext.html#setAccessibleName%28java.lang.String%29>
> * Microsoft: <http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/bb776383.aspx>:
> "IAccessibleObject::SetAccessibleName method"
So it is a comprehensive concept.
>> I see them for some controls but not for all, especially not for
>> maLBEdgeStyle.
>> (1) What they are used for?
>> (2) Why they are set for some controls but not for all?
>> (3) Do I have to define such a string for my new linecap style list box?
> I don't know what the "accessible name" for a stroke-linecap would be
> (i.e. when it is present in ODF content). However, if you are referring
> to a list box where an author can choose between different
> stroke-linecap styles, I would definitely give those options an
> accessible name (e.g. butt cap, round cap and square cap, which I found
> in the SVG spec).
Those are already strings, which will be localized. I have no
application to test, whether this is sufficient. But I guess it will,
because otherwise people would have complained in a lot of other places
where list boxes are used.
I think I postpone this special detail until the rest is finished and
there is a product that can be tested in connection with an
accessibility application.
> I hope this helps.
Yes, I had not been aware, that the concept is not special for LibO/OOo.
Kind regards
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