[Libreoffice] [PATCH] Fix for dialog Manage Breakpoints crash

Niklas Johansson sleeping.pillow at gmail.com
Tue Nov 29 00:50:26 PST 2011

>> In worst case it makes the program crash. This fix, stores
>> the values. I'm not that experienced with C++ so could someone have
>> a second look at this there might very well be a "cleaner" way of
>> writing it.
> Good find!
> I think I would do it slightly different, the patch fixes the symptom
> correctly by allocating new objects, but the underlying cause to me
> seems that the original intention was to transfer the pointers (hence
> the method's name) but that somehow got mangled with the transition from
> old List to ::std::vector
>> --- a/basctl/source/basicide/bastypes.cxx
>> +++ b/basctl/source/basicide/bastypes.cxx
>> @@ -288,7 +288,7 @@ void BreakPointList::transfer(BreakPointList&  rList)
>>   {
>>       reset();
>>       for (size_t i = 0; i<  rList.size(); ++i)
>> -        maBreakPoints.push_back( rList.at( i ) );
>> +        maBreakPoints.push_back( new BreakPoint(*rList.at( i )) );
>>       rList.reset();
>>   }
> Instead of creating copies I'd do
> -      rList.reset();
> +      rList.clear();
> Please check if that fixes the problem.
>    Eike

That fixes the problem, and definitely looks like a cleaner solution. Do 
you create the patch or should I create a new one?

I created and attached a patch for the pass count.
"Example: When entering pass count 2 it is expected that the breakpoint 
is passed two times before breaking not to break the second time."

Niklas Johansson

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