old registrymodifications.xcu is overwritten by LO3.6dev

Regina Henschel rb.henschel at t-online.de
Mon Apr 2 04:39:00 PDT 2012

Hi Stephan,

Stephan Bergmann schrieb:
> On 04/02/2012 12:18 PM, Regina Henschel wrote:
>>>> I have pulled the source on Friday, so that's included. Is it possible,
>>>> that it fails because the old one was a normal build and the new one is
>>>> a debug build?
>>> So you have a "LO3.5dev" and a master build sharing a user installation
>>> (what are the respective UserInstallation values in the two
>>> bootstrap.ini?).
>> No, I only have "LOdev 3.6". "LOdev 3.5" was removed during installation
>> of "LOdev 3.6". Therefore I have expected that the settings were
>> migrated.
> Note the following difference:
> If the UserInstallation settings of two installations point to the same
> directory (after expanding macros like $SYSUSERCONFIG), no user data
> should be migrated, but the two installations

LOdev3.6 does not install beside LOdev3.5 but replaces it. So there is 
only one installation.

  should actually share a
> single user data instance. registrymodifications.xcu should not shrink
> in this case. Everything else looks like a bug (and debugging into the
> desktop/source/app/ code would be necessary to find out more).

I have submitted https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=48188

Kind regards

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