minutes of ESC call ...

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at suse.com
Thu Apr 5 07:55:05 PDT 2012

* Present:
	+ Tor, Rainer, Andras, Fridrich, Caolan, David, Michael,
	  Bjoern, Kendy, Michael S, Petr, Elidh, Lubos, Thorsten,
	  Stephan, Norbert

* Completed Action Items
	+ Hamburg Hackfest
		+ blog some artwork for 'going to the LibreOffice hack-fest' (All)
		+ TDF blog entry publicising the Hamburg hack-fest (Fridrich)
			+ lapsed.
        + extract 64bit build hardware from firewall (Kendy / Admins)
		+ abandoned / getting new hardware from NGO
	+ string dump / dissection scriptage (Michael)
	+ re-file fdo#47857 as a bug in the KDE file picker (Michael)
	+ drop exception specs from new string constructors (Lubos)

* Pending Action Items
	+ [nearly done] review and re-close 3.4.x MAB fixed in 3.5.x (Rainer)
	+ add a bold heading to GSOC page: LibreOffice is easy & fun to hack (Cedric)
        + rename VCL API to make it GetBeamerFoo & fix (Michael)
	+ poke RedHat security guy wrt. keys (Caolan)

* Action Items review

* Release Engineering update (Petr)
        + 3.5.2 retrospective
		+ released today, thanks for great work
		+ smooth release, almost no delays
		+ plenty more annoying / critical 3.5 bugs to fix
	+ 3.5.3 rc1 deadline - April 16th (next Monday)

* GSOC update (Fridrich)
	+ applications have to be submitted before tomorrow
	  evening european time (12:00 California time)
		+ bug students if they want to apply
	+ have 12 applications as of now
		+ 3x for smartphone control of slideshow
		+ good to encourage students to spread out.
AA:	+ mail the mailing list wrt. filing urgency (Fridrich)

* MSI cross-compile building (Tibbylickle)
	+ wine is building nicely
	+ cross-compilation is busted as of today
	+ perl stuff seems straightforward
AA:	+ help Ellie get mingw build going (Tor)

* exception / compilation issue (Lubos)
	+ current situation doesn't make sense, exception specifications
	  are there, but errors triggered only for clang compiler
	+ either enforce them for gcc -and- clang, or not for either ?
	+ potential for breaking things if we just remove them (sberg)
	+ Solaris compiler did enforce them until we abdoned it a year ago
		+ so code state is still reasonable
	+ problems debugging what goes wrong with wrong exceptions (Lubos)
		+ remove gcc option that disables checking for debug build ?
	+ reason checking exceptions turned off
		- makes binaries even larger (Caolan)
AA:	+ turn exception checking on for gcc in debug builds (Lubos)
		+ makes clang building happier

* re-discuss default of encryption option (Thorsten)
	+ do we need to re-visit this, cf. 2011/08/18
	  consensus to back-port etc. ?
	+ question of defaults, code to handle read/write old & new
	  style encryption - should we stick with known poor old-style
	  ODF encryption to improve interop.
		+ other office suites can use the old encryption
	+ fewer bugs reports expected for conservative users
		+ legacy crypto issue shows as
		  'file is corrupted' (Norbert)
	+ there is a configuration setting for default encryption (Michael S)
		+ but no UI => add a new UI option for encryption.
		+ not for 3.5.x code-line.
	+ choosing a known-weak algorithm is not ideal (Norbert)
	+ chaff work + new encryption are much stronger (Michael)
AA:	+ switch default back for 3.5, keep as in 3.6 + add UI option (Thorsten)
	+ MS filters don't support encryption at all (Thorsten)

* Apple developer enrollment
AA:	+ working on it as we speak (Thorsten)

* update our license header for new code to MPLv2
AA:	+ update the template (Michael)

* unowned easy-hacks ... (Bjoern)
	+ all but 12 bugs now have owners
		- Bjoern manually filed them from the wiki
		- can't own all of them
	*** Anything not owned by people will be closed in one week ***
		+ please check & CC yourself on any you want to save:
			+ http://bit.ly/I5J6nj

* new bytemark tinderboxen (Norbert)
	+ currently being setup
	+ 2x boxes kindly provided by Bytemark
		+ 1x windows
			+ installed cygwin,
			+ need a VC++ ...
		+ 1x Debian
			+ do generic linux builds
			+ run 4x VM's for BSDs ?
	+ Other ideas (Caolan)
		+ or run startup times under callgrind [!]
			+ and build regressions / memory usage metrics ?
		+ or magically do bibisect packing ?
		+ few 100'Gb's of storage ...
	+ Michael S
		+ had convwatch tests revived ...
		  bitmap output comparisons to avoid layout regressions ?
	+ we have another Linux box coming on-line soon
		+ TDF / SUSE hardware
AA:		+ there / ready / firewall issues getting solved (Thorsten)
AA:	+ give bytemark access to Caolan (Norbert)

* QA update (Rainer / Bjoern / Markus)
	+ business as usual - nothing to report
	+ pleased with enough Windows daily builds
	+ how can we get new code contributors to contribute to bug fixing ?
		+ discuss in person at Hackfest
		+ turn more simple bugs into easy hacks ?

* updating internal packages for windows
	+ libxml etc. are easy but ICU real killer (Caolan)
		+ limiting factor is win build magic
	+ ICU
		+ they distribute project files for latest
		  MS compiler
		+ project files, different to 2008
		+ no tool to downgrade MS compiler versions
			+ perl script to downgrade it doesn't work
			  anymore for new ICUs
		+ tried with Tor, to build with VS2010
			+ all managed code crashes: climaker bustage
			+ no time to track down, prolly wrong run-time
	+ other things to update
		+ glib2, cairo, openssl, etc.
	+ for linux, basically follow MacOS/X model (Caolan)
		+ for anything that OS/X considers a system library
		+ for universal builds: drop libxml cf. OS/X
AA:	+ pull up versions for 3.6 (Fridrich)
		+ fix name clashes with the system

* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
	+ jump from consolidating the 3.4 issues:
	+ 73 open (of 193), older 66/183 58/168 57/157 58/153 52/145 49/140 44/132 41/124
	     38%                   36%    35%    36%    37%    36%    35%    33%    33%
	+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=37361&hide_resolved=1

* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
	+ 134(-1) bugs open of 443(+11) total

	* Component    count net *
	+ Writer       - 51 (+2)
	+ Presentation - 18 (+3)
	+ Writer / RTF - 14 (-4)
	+ LibreOffice  - 13 (+0)
	+ Drawing      - 10 (+0)
	+ Database     - 8  (+1)
	+ Spreadsheet  - 2  (-2)
	+ Basic        - 2  (+0)

	+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=regression%2C%20&keywords_type=allwords&resolution=---&query_format=advanced&product=LibreOffice&list_id=36764

michael.meeks at suse.com  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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