[PATCH] [WIP] fdo#45747 - [EasyHack] remove the limitation to 3 sort entries in calc, part 2

Albert Thuswaldner albert.thuswaldner at gmail.com
Thu Apr 26 15:26:55 PDT 2012

Hi Markus,
So I have hacked a bit on the UI for the new sort dialog in calc. I'm
posting my work-in-progress patch hoping to get confirmation that I'm
on the right track and also help with the specific issues below.

As you suggested I've used the same concept for as in namedlg, where I
created ScSortKeyDlg class which defines the dialog for a single sort
key entry. this class is then instantiated via a control class.

So far so good I think, then comes the ugly bits:

1.) Obviously I'm using the wrong widget class for ScSortKeyDlg since
each dialog opens in a separate window and are not embedded in the
main dialog.
Which widget should I use here?

2.)  Related to the above is the question about how to position the
sort key dialogs relative to each other.

3.)  The Listbox handler. The handler is used to enable/disable the
widigets of the subsequent sort key(s). Now that each sort key is an
instance of its own I'm not sure how to get "the signal across" form
one instance to the other. Can I catch this event in the control

Any hints on the above are much appreciated.

Thanks in advance.

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