Need Writer Painting Advice

Cedric Bosdonnat cbosdonnat at
Fri Apr 27 10:01:54 PDT 2012

Hi Andrew,

On Fri, 2012-04-27 at 11:56 +0100, Andrew Higginson wrote:
> I want to draw something like the file attached.
> It will be a box that apears when a user goes full screen (basically
> to say, you are in full screen mode, press KEY to go back)
> I need it to be drawn 'above' any pages, so that when the user
> scrolls, it stays in the same 
> place (so it is not similar to the new header and footer blue boxes,
> in that they are per 
> page, this needs to be one box for the whole document)

But it's the same painting idea.
> So what I need to know is in which control's Paint() method do I need
> to put the painting code for this?

You will need to create your own control for that with your own Paint()
implementation. You should get some inspiration from the
SwHeaderFooterWin class:

I hope this helps.


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