[PATCH] Re: input for fdo#45779 from a basegfx knowledgeable person needed

Pierre-André Jacquod pjacquod at alumni.ethz.ch
Sun Apr 29 06:48:21 PDT 2012

back again after a while.

On 02/15/2012 11:30 AM, Thorsten Behrens wrote:
> Fixed with d37abad97d72bae0fd0269de12e94c7a7d3fd7e1 - but, if you
> like, would be cool to chase down why in the first place the ppt
> import creates polygons with empty sub-paths, that looks like a
> worthwhile optimization - code is around
> filter/source/msfilter/msdffimp.cxx probably.

It happens that basegfx::GetLineArrow(...) (also defined within 
msdffimp.cxx, line 1102) does not create a valid polygon when eLineEnd 
has the value mso_lineNoEnd...
In the switch(eLineEnd), this goes to
 >  default: break;
without creating any polygon, letting the return value undefined.

So I propose to skip the creation these incorrect polygons if eLineEnd 
has the value mso_lineNoEnd. But since I do not understand well the 
import / translation from msformat, I may also have missed a big point. 
Hence thanks for reviewing this patch, before I push it.

I hope it helps.


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