Unconfirmed Bug Flowchart + Triaging this Sunday

Joel Madero jmadero.dev at gmail.com
Thu Aug 2 20:01:59 PDT 2012

First go at doing a flowchart for unconfirmed bugs, looking for feedback 
and suggestions. This one is quite a bit harder than the prioritizing 
bugs one was.


For anyone who hasn't seen the one for prioritizing bugs:


Lastly, QA is doing an unconfirmed bug triaging "event" Sunday morning 
(9:30 am PST - GMT-7) if anyone could help we would really appreciate 
it. Don't worry if you haven't done it before, devs welcome to help us 
;) As of now I believe we have 3 people, aiming for 5-10 so please email 
me if you're available and can spare an hour or so.

Best Wishes,

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