[REVIEW-3-6] Java com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap.cppuhelper_bootstrap fixes

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at redhat.com
Thu Aug 9 01:24:20 PDT 2012

For various reasons, bootstrapping UNO in a Java process (i.e., one 
started by calling the "java" executable) got broken (at least 
bootstrapping native, binary UNO in such a process, by calling 
com.sun.star.comp.helper.Bootstrap.cppuhelper_bootstrap).  This does not 
affect LO itself, but can affect external Java applications that use LO.

So please review the relevant fixes

"Export JNI functions from juh, juhx libs"


"ServiceManager::createInstanceWithContext needs to honor given Context"

from master for cherry-picking to libreoffice-3-6.  Another useful fix 
would be

"Make ure/source/uretest work again"

to make the relevant (manual) tests work again, but it is not strictly 


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