minutes of ESC call ...
Michael Meeks
michael.meeks at suse.com
Thu Aug 9 08:13:48 PDT 2012
* Present
+ Kohei, Rainer, Cedric, Lionel, Eike, Astron, Andras,
Stephan, Caolan, Michael, Thorsten, Norbert, Kendy,
Michael S, Petr
* Completed Action Items
+ task selection for LibreOffice 4 wiki:
+ http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/LibreOffice4
+ [ punted for now ]
* Pending Action Items
+ [pending] notify all committers when we have a nice simple, minimal
statement of what is required for gerrit written (Bjoern)
+ reviews done
+ make bytemark windows box do release builds (Fridrich)
+ maildrop for Gerrit (Bjoern)
+ 3/4 done, in progress idly.
+ 4.0 issues (Everyone)
+ everyone interested in cleanups - claim your work until next ESC!
+ http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/LibreOffice4
+ crediting: can we separate tempates in the credits page (Spaetz)
+ [ in progress ]
* Release Engineering update (Petr)
+ 3.6.0 update & post-mortem
+ all was quiet until the last two release candidates
+ only panicing at the last minute
+ was timing related / summertime ?
+ first-start / updating bug issue
+ underestimated
+ Stephan: bad timing, reported on Linux etc. used
non-released builds between.
+ by chance, Michael fixed the windows build
+ prereg feature only used on Windows, fix for issues
didn't make it into 3.6 from master.
+ systemic problem where people are encouraged to
remove their user-installation vs. moveaside & make
AI: + update QA FAQs / challenge answers to encourage moving
profiles away instead of deleting (Rainer)
+ user installs can have sensitive data though,
care needed - but keep that around.
+ non-upgrades for profiles from dev / intermediate versions
+ removing user-profile inconsistent data hid issues
and hurt testing too
+ Always create code to upgrade / never advise removal
of inconsistent data.
+ Rainer happy to help with profiles.
+ suggest zero tolerance policy for upgrade issues during development
+ could have upgrade tinderbox (Bjoern)
+ be nice to have some unit tests too (Michael)
+ most important thing to get to better tests (Stephan)
+ standard test for how profile updates work (Rainer)
+ it ~never works, but put more focus on this
+ the problem was so frequent people got used to it.
+ adopt a near zero tolerance policy for upgrade issues during development
+ bibisect can cause problems (Bjoern)
+ agree - lots of ignoring of profile problems
with WORKSFORME when profiles are removed (Rainer)
+ should not tolerate this.
+ collecting user-configuration - have a script / app to
dump it as a .zip ?
AI: + file an easy-hack to ship a binary to dump it (Petr)
+ 2x days of performance issues on the main website
+ can cause issues
+ missing MSI signatures
+ Andras forgot; normally some RC tester checks/reports that
+ Thorsten added validation to upload scripts.
+ few native-lang projects deferred announce due to dictionaries bug
+ 3.6.1 RC1
+ pull the timeline in - do RC1 in 1 week instead
+ freeze / checkin deadline on Monday
+ RC2 in one extra week.
+ fixes the upgrade bug earlier.
+ 3.5.6 RC2
+ tagged this week / final version
+ builds being up-loaded / announce soon - on track.
* GSOC update (Cedric)
+ bit more than a week to go, make students aware it's almost over
+ pencils down / evaluations by August 20th
* UI / design update (Astron)
+ discussion about updated icons for gallery
+ ongoing options discussion
+ official git repo for artwork ?
+ should we re-use the old repository ? (no)
+ ongoing discussion around artwork licensing
+ new 'templates' repository created
+ can we push templates there ?
+ 70 new templates up-loaded to the wiki page
+ need CC0 / authenticity statements & push those to git.
+ intends to package Astron & Alexander's templates first (Bjoern)
+ and do a package release
+ packagers who want sexy new templates take note ...
+ need some macro sanity checking
+ Astron / Alexander to provide editorial feedback & improvement
+ Toolbar fixing status - on Kendy's todo.
+ Bjoern created some Design easy-hacks
+ http://wiki.documentfoundation.org/Development/Easy_Hacks_by_required_Skill#Easy_Hacks_requiring_Design_Skills
* Adobe Sans Pro bundling (Caolan)
+ http://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2012/08/adobe-releases-source-sans-pro-a-new-open-source-font/
+ lots of positive noise about it, no problem adding it (Caolan)
+ no Cyrillic or Greek, perhaps bundle other fonts instead (Astron)
+ we have an only-ascii font currently (Caolan)
AI: + re-think our bundled font list (Astron / design-team)
* Call for Papers - talks @ LibreOffice con
* ESC agenda - 16th day before for an in-person meeting / hack-fest
+ please book flights for a day earlier
+ http://conference.libreoffice.org/call-for-paper
+ co-hosting talks is fine
+ find a parterner for your short talk
+ potentially add a "15mins" to the subject if you
want a short talk
+ please submit lightning talks too
* liblangtag issues (Eike)
+ controversial new required LGPLv3 dependency
+ implements BCP47 language codes
+ lots of nice code cleanup possible
+ very simple replacement for iOS / Android
+ not an ideal situation
+ invest outside the wrapper & lets see
* AOOi git import
+ with full OO.o history back to day one on top of OOO340_m1
+ like to push it to our git repo
+ adds another 40Mb of download +5% ...
AI => just do it (Kendy)
* bugzilla / gerrit integration (Bjoern)
+ concern about getting spammed a lot from calc guys.x
+ postpone discussion for next week.
--- out of time ~everything postponed below ---
* 4.0 - ongoing discussion (All)
+ best ideas heard so far: to do an ABI thaw for 4.0,
and keep in place until after 4.1 - 1 year for ABI
* QA update (Rainer)
+ producing a bibsect repository for Windows (Norbert)
+ new bug report page - with search for duplicates [!] ...
* GUADEC update (Michael)
* git-review thoughts (Bjoern)
* gerrit update (Bjoern)
+ bugzilla / auto-commenting integration
+ filter-able changes ? ...
+ --new-changeid discussion
* 3.6 most annoying bugs ...
+ 11 (of 58) older 12/55 11/48 8/42 10/37 11/35 5/26 5/21 3/19 4/15 8/13
19% 22% 23% 19% 27% 31% 19% 24% 16% 27% 62%
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=44446&hide_resolved=1
* 3.5 most annoying bugs ...
+ 75 open (of 253) older 77/253 73/250 72/249 67/244 70/243 73/241 72/238
30% 30% 29% 29% 27% 29% 30% 30%
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=37361&hide_resolved=1
* 3.5 bugs tagged with 'regression'
+ 177(-3) bugs open of 723(+3) total
* ~Component count net *
+ Writer - 67 (-2)
+ Presentation - 21 (+1)
+ Crashes - 20 (+1)
+ LibreOffice - 17 (+1)
+ Spreadsheet - 16 (-4)
+ Database - 11 (+1)
+ Drawing - 11 (+0)
+ Borders - 9 (+0)
+ Migration - 7 (+0)
+ Writer / RTF - 7 (+0)
+ Basic - 2 (+0)
+ https://bugs.freedesktop.org/buglist.cgi?keywords=regression%2C%20&keywords_type=allwords&resolution=---&query_format=advanced&product=LibreOffice&list_id=36764
+ Migration tracker: https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43489
michael.meeks at suse.com <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot
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