[PUSHED][PATCH] cosmetic patch for conditional formatting

Jean-Baptiste Faure jbf.faure at sud-ouest.org
Thu Aug 9 08:50:29 PDT 2012

Le 01/08/2012 12:36, Jean-Baptiste Faure a écrit :
> Le 01/08/2012 12:11, Noel Power a écrit :
>> looks fine for me, pushed
> Thank you. I suggest to backport it to LO 3.6 for LO 3.6.1.
> Best regards.

Second try ;-)
I think this patch should be backported to LO 3.6.

Best regards.

>> On 31/07/12 09:17, Jean-Baptiste Faure wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> here is a small patch to vertically align the fields in the conditional
>>> formatting dialog.
>>> Additionnaly it give more room for several strings which is useful for
>>> FR translation.
>>> To easily understand the code, I reordered it according to the lines in
>>> the dialog.
>>> Best regards.
>>> JBF
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