[GSoC] testing - Weekly Report no. 12

Artur Dorda artur.dorda at gmail.com
Mon Aug 13 15:52:46 PDT 2012


This week I wrote some tests for the XML unit converter in sax. I have
expanded test_converter.cxx in sax/qa/cppunit of the following
functions tested:

* convertMeasure
* convertBool
* convertPercent
* convertColor
* convertNumber
[every function bilaterally - string to X, and X to string]
and also
* encodeBase64
* decodeBase64

This work is the end of the official GSoC coding part, now I have to
do rebase and merge my branch to master.

However, I will happily continue contributing to LibreOffice, I will
write more in my GSoC summary mail, next week.

Best regards,

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