[GSOC-UPDATE](15.08) Impress Remote

Andrzej J. R. Hunt andrzej at ahunt.org
Wed Aug 15 12:24:51 PDT 2012

Hi everyone,

The latest changes:
- Added an About Dialog.
- Fixed automatic image updating in main view (i.e. if a preview image 
only becomes available after creating the view, it will now be added).
- Linked ABS. Migrated some fragments in addition to the settings 
activity to use the v4 compatibility library / ABS.
- Improved the GUI for blank screen display: rotated view added, return 
button fixed.
- Fixed line breaks in notes export (LO side).

Attached is a screenshot of the About Dialog -- it is loosely based on 
the LO equivalent -- I'm not entirely sure what would be appropriate to 
be shown here, but it can be easily edited.

Thanks to tml for pointing out that ActionBarSherlock is already 
present. At the moment ant building of the remote fails due to a missing 
sdk.dir: I assume this is somewhere in the build scripts being used for 
the android viewer; I'll be taking a more detailed look tomorrow. 
(Building with Eclipse works fine though after the prerequisite setting up.)


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