[PATCH][REVIEW 3-6][REVIEW 3-6-1] Create the desktop icon (on Windows) again

Jan Holesovsky kendy at suse.cz
Thu Aug 16 09:52:39 PDT 2012

Hi Astron,

Attached is a patch that I know you are not too happy about ;-) - change
the default of creating the desktop icon on Windows back to 'yes'.

My reasons for insisting are several; I think I've written most of them
in another mail, but to summarize:

- it is easier to remove the icon than to add it (if you choose an
  option during installation you are not happy with later)
  - even if it is the Administrator who did the installation, the user
    can still remove it from his / her desktop

- others (eg. Firefox) do not even ask, and install the icon

- online update numbers seem to suggest that less people start
  LibreOffice immediately after the installation, compared to when we
  defaulted to installing the start icon; but of course this can be
  totally unrelated

I know that the decisions about the defaults are always hard, and that
is why Andras asked you in the first place, so I don't want just push it
without your approval ;-) - but I believe there are good reasons to
revert the behavior, at least for the near future.

Thank you a lot,
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