LibreOffice ...... Libraries VCL

Michael Meeks michael.meeks at
Thu Dec 20 02:13:41 PST 2012

Hi Mariano,

On Thu, 2012-12-20 at 06:52 -0300, Mariano Gaudix wrote:
> For  contribute ideas for LibreOffice .   I  must   to learn to use
> the VCL Libraries .........   ¿¿¿  These libraries  VCL   are not in
> GNU / LINUX???

	These are not stand-along libraries, they are bundled and built as part
of LibreOffice; checkout the vcl/ directory in your 'core' checkout.
core/vcl/inc/vcl/ has the headers - some of which have comments.

> I did not find , tutorials of VLC in  the  WEB .

	There are none; sadly.

> You  can spend a tutorial for programming in VCL.
> with examples  simples  .(button ,  box ,etc)

	The code has a lot of such sample code ;-) Usually the best approach is
to pick a dialog a little bit like the one you want to produce: hunt
across the code, and base your work from that code.

	However - we're moving towards a new way of drawing, and laying out
dialogs - which uses a true 'layout' approach - this makes it much
easier to draw them (using the 'glade' tool), it also simplifies the
code. You can read about that here:

	If you expect full API documentation - then sorry, sadly, there is
none. If you want to contribute towards sending patches added doxygen
comments for pieces - that is most welcome ! What little we do have is

	Out of interest - what feature do you want to work on ? perhaps we can
help with some code pointers.

	All the best,


michael.meeks at  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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