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Michael Meeks michael.meeks at
Thu Dec 20 22:57:53 PST 2012

Hi Rainer,

On Fri, 2012-12-21 at 07:48 +0100, Rainer Bielefeld wrote:
> we have LibO also running on Android OS and Raspberry Pi hardware. What 
> do you think, should we have these environments explicitly in Bugzilla?

	Ho hum; the Raspberry Pi version is mostly Rene's work with the Debian
packages; I'd stick to just having the Linux + ARM architecture for that
rather than a specific one (unless you really think it helps).

	Android is a different matter of course; unclear what to do there - at
least, that stuff is quite experimental except for the impress remote
which should be toughened up enough to ship in 4.0. So whatever you
think really ...

	Thanks !


michael.meeks at  <><, Pseudo Engineer, itinerant idiot

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