JDK 1.7 error in autogen.sh

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Mon Feb 13 03:46:15 PST 2012

On Sun, 2012-02-12 at 14:44 +0800, LOH KOK HOE wrote:
> configure: error: 1.7 is not a supported Java bytecode version!
> Error running configure at ./autogen.sh line 157.
> May I know how this problem could be resolve?

I'm not sure why we check for the version here. *maybe* it was because
the embedded hsqldb wouldn't build with the openjdk 1.7, but I fixed
that a few days ago. Or maybe it was just an omission because 1.7 didn't
exist when that check was written.

Anyway, I removed the error on bytecode 1.7 from configure, ./g pull -r
again and see if it works for you now.


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