Disappearing graphics in Write: where to look (bug 33393)

Cor Nouws oolst at nouenoff.nl
Mon Feb 20 07:27:50 PST 2012

Hi Andrew, *,

Thorsten Behrens wrote (20-02-12 12:59)
> Andrew Douglas Pitonyak wrote:
>> Have been poking around the LO code today trying to decide where I
>> might put break points to help in tracking this.  Looks like this
>> occurs (for my sample) when auto-save kicks in, so I may place a
>> break point in the auto save code and then start stepping through
>> it to see if anything obvious looks wrong.
> so the high-level object handling images in Writer is SwGrfNode

thanks for picking this one up.
Now with 3.5 out in the wild, reports of people loosing data appear. I 
would like to propose this issue as *blocker* for 3.5.1 .. nothing less.


  - Cor
  - http://nl.libreoffice.org

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