[PATCH] Moving misplaced Formula options from ScDocOptions to ScAppOptions

Albert Thuswaldner albert.thuswaldner at gmail.com
Fri Feb 24 16:12:37 PST 2012


This was somewhat like preforming open-heart surgery, however I think
the patient barely made it. ;)

Seriously, I think the patch works as it is, however the
implementation is a bit ugly/incomplete in places and more changes are
required to smooth out the rough edges. Before I do that I would
appreciate to get some feedback on this.

The big issues are:

1.) ScDocument::SetDocOptions requires some rethink. Here, now that
the format option stuff is moved to appoptions, only
xPoolHelper->SetFormTableOpt(rOpt); uses data from docoptions, the mix
of options makes this method ugly. Splitting this up might be a
solution, however ScDocument::SetDocOptions is used in quite many

2.) ScModule::ModifyOptions here improvements can possible be made to
minimize the need for updating/repainting the open document.

3.) ScTpFormulaOptions Class might be simplified somehow, for instance
to "group" the options like is done for View options and Print

Thanks for your help.

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