Small note on static analyzer, includes and build times...

Albert Thuswaldner albert.thuswaldner at
Mon Feb 27 14:07:50 PST 2012

There has been some interesting discussions here on the mailinglist
about static analyzer tools, unused includes and the impact of the
physical code structure on build times. This got me distracted from
what I normally do here and after some short time searching the web, I
stumbled upon this:

Although this did not contain much more info than what has already
surfaced in the discussions here, I found it a quite interesting read.
I also loved the idea how he uses doxygen to analyze the code. This
approach is of course very hackarish and limited compared with a
dedicated tool, however I just had to try it...

What I did:
1: I created a folder "doxygen" in the root of the sc module.
2. Adapted his script and put it in this folder.
3. Made a simple doxygen config file (Doxyfile) and ran doxygen
4. finally ran the script: ./ > analyze.log

Anyway, I have not analyzed the results myself in detail but it is a
shame it only detects unused includes in header files.

I've included the files If someone else wants to have a go...

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