dropping STAR_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING environmental variable

Caolán McNamara caolanm at redhat.com
Wed Feb 29 02:23:36 PST 2012

digging around I came across getenv("STAR_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING") in
tools. I was aware of SAL_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING, but unaware of

We don't seem to have documented STAR_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING anywhere, and
random web searches don't seem to show that its generally known, 

Any uses of it, e.g. now defunct
are of the form of
which looks like it attempts to *disable* it, even though actually
setting the variable, regardless of what value its set to, would
*enable* it.

I reckon we should drop the stuff that's hooked off
getenv("STAR_ENABLE_FILE_LOCKING"), any protest against that ?


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