[GSoC] testing - Weekly Report no. 6

Artur Dorda artur.dorda at gmail.com
Mon Jul 2 11:41:51 PDT 2012


This week I was following this week's todo, which was:
- improve the Impress' test files, different Shapes and Properties
need to be separated
- connect EnhancedCustomShape* dumper code with the rest and run it

Thanks to Thorsten and his answer I have started improving my test
documents for Impress, which is to test different features in the
separate slides of the test presentation.

Unfortunately connecting EnhancedCustomShape* dumper code with the
rest of the code caused a *massive* build problems, which were being
fixed for a full 3-4 days.
Next week, as I am leaving for a trip/journey, we will be fixing these
build errors still, because the week after this, is the week of
mid-term evaluations.

Best regards,

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