Changes needed for "LibreOffice 4"

Eike Rathke erack at
Fri Jul 20 11:29:44 PDT 2012

Hi Thorsten,

On Friday, 2012-07-20 19:03:41 +0200, Thorsten Behrens wrote:

> Lubos Lunak wrote:
> >  Hmm. That makes it something we should take into consideration then, but that 
> > consideration may be quickly over with saying that it's internal API and as 
> > such we don't care about people who abuse it.
> > 
> There's more nuance required here I think. Substantial use of
> "unstable" API still leaves us with noticeable repercussions on the
> extension ecosystem, that we might want to have *once*, and not
> spread over multiple releases.

Well, an API not being marked as published exactly tells authors that
the piece may change or go away at any given time, not bound to any
major release or whatsoever.

But it should be possible to determine at least vaguely the clear text
names of services, interfaces and properties an extension uses so maybe
we could setup some "scan your extension" service where one can throw an
extension in and get a list of API used and maybe split in sections
stable, unstable and questionable ...


LibreOffice Calc developer. Number formatter stricken i18n transpositionizer.
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