Tinderbox nightlies broken (was Re: No Win builds?)

Stephan Bergmann sbergman at redhat.com
Mon Jul 23 08:58:30 PDT 2012

On 07/23/2012 12:38 PM, Michael Stahl wrote:
> On 22/07/12 16:36, Lubos Lunak wrote:
>>   There was one more thing broken. The recent changes to get dev-install
>> working changed the package format built in the 'build' target to .zip, so
>> there was no .msi package to upload. I've reverted that change and moved the
>> FORCE2ARCHIVE part to dev-install,
> oh i didn't notice that FORCE2ARCHIVE would prevent MSI from being
> built, but looking at the actual instsetoo_native/util/makefile.mk it
> overrides PKGFORMAT, so it's not a surprise :)
> if we want to build a MSI anyway, then building the archive in
> dev-install makes a lot of sense.

"sb118: independent of PKGFORMAT, always build a default-language 
openoffice product also in archive format, so that tests that require an 
OOo installation (like smoketestoo_native) have one available" and 
"sb118: always set PKGFORMAT (so that always building 
openoffice_en-US.archive in instsetoo_native/util also works on 
Windows)" for how this was achieved in OOo times.  On all platforms, it 
always built an additional archive installation set in module 
insetsetoo_native, so that during the later build of module 
smoketestoo_native that archive installation set could be unpacked and 
used for the smoke test (as well as any subsequenttests; only on Windows 
the installation set was not unpacked once to solver/*/installation, but 
for each test anew to a temp folder, to work around problems with long 
file paths).

No idea how much of that got broken in the meantime though.  (As for 
non-Windows, the solver/*/installation set used by the various tests is 
now produced by another means via "make dev-install".)


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