Wasted a day on an Android bug...

Tor Lillqvist tml at iki.fi
Sat Jun 2 02:03:22 PDT 2012

Spent most of yesterday wondering what the heck is wrong with my code
and desperately trying one thing after another; after some
enhancements to the DocumentLoader test code, the bitmap of
LO-rendered text I was displaying had all the text in a light green
colour (and not black). After all, it's more or less the first time I
write this kind of code for Android, so I assumed I am doing something
stupid. But slowly I started to realise that the problem might be in

Indeed, filed http://code.google.com/p/android/issues/detail?id=32588 .

Doesn't Google believe in test-driven development? Don't they have
unit tests for what to me looks like fairly fundamental and easily
unit-testable stuff like this? One would think a fairly modern, large,
and hopefully well resourced project would use such methods.


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