[PUSHED] Re: [PATCH 1/2] Replace SvStringsISortDtor in edtwin.cxx and gloslst.[ch]xx

Brad Sowden code at sowden.org
Wed Jun 6 02:42:44 PDT 2012

Hi Michael,

>> * I used a pointer to the vector as the move() function previously
>> copied and cleared all elements whereas a pointer swap would suffice.
> ah that's why, i had wondered....
> would it be possible to use std::swap on the vector itself rather than
> the pointer?   i could imagine that being implemented efficiently, and
> it would allow the vector to not be a pointer, which is simpler.
> also (but that was a pre-existing condition, not really your fault)
> member names should start with "m_" so it's easy to grep for member access.

Ah, I can use vector::swap(). Patch attached getting rid of the vector 
pointer. Much nicer.


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